What’s your “I’m the idiot of the group” moment?

When I got into roleplay OH BOY learning curve! Not only did I enter a 10 year old RP guild that had one of the best reps on wymrst accord, but I did so on a freshly boosted toon, and with 0 knowledge.

I was looking for a specific niche to RP in cause I thought I’d enjoy it. I was wrong.

I went to my first ever RP event, I didn’t know what was expected, everyone knew I was new to RP and to the guild.

(Btw this is WOD first patch era)

The guild leader was communing to his dad who died a month before I joined IC, SUUUPER boring btw, like it was 1 hour of him emoting that he’s talking to his dad, and his wife kept checking in and crying IC. While we all stood in a circle.

I think if I had prior knowledge or being in the guild a little longer I would’ve appreciated it more.

Anyway I took it upon myself to start chatting in character with others there, and I ended up getting drunk in game, and I was getting immediate angry OOC whispers

I felt like I was in the right, and said this isn’t what I expected and this is boring, than I left the guild and cooled off, and it hit me I was the idiot who was in way over his head lol!

I’ve gotten way better since than and I prefer to RP over in MG, for more relaxed and humors RP:).

Was trying to think of stories where I was really in the wrong and that’s the only one that came to mind :laughing:. It’s hard to reimagine it, but it was a learning moment :).

What was your “It’s not you it’s me” moment?

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the first one (and there have been many) was when I S-keyed off Aggramar’s platform while tanking during mythic progression.

just… backed right on off.


In vanilla while running MC on my rogue I accidentally hit my num lock when I got up to get a drink. I ended up pulling a bunch of mobs and wiping everyone while I was afk. I think it was ventrilo that we used back then and everyone was flipping out.


“It’s not you, it’s me.” invented by the great George Costanza.


My first death in Castle Nathria wasn’t even from a boss or even a pack of mobs…it was because I suicided off the Sire Denathrius boss platform via disengage… and subsequently went the way of Wile coyote…


Anytime I attack just as the last mob in the pack dies, causing me to target and shoot the next pack. Generally followed by a FD and an apology.


Does a group of two count?

Way back when I started, a friend was leveling up with me. I had wandered into Ragefire Chasm alone and got my rear kicked, and waited for him to come online so we could try to two-man as much as we could together. I noticed some of the rocks had lava-like textures but I wasn’t hurt standing on them, which I thought was silly.

Anyway, my friend gets on and we start to slowly pull and work through the dungeon. It went about as well as you could hope, and despite taking a VERY long time, we got to the room with the spiderweb floor design suspended over lava. We were both exhausted and wanted to stop there, so I went “hey, watch this” and leapt off the size and into the lava.

Oh, this lava hurts. It hurts a lot. Now I’m bouncing up and down, desperately trying to swim out of it before I lose all of my health, but sadly I die just as I reach the shore. My friend takes the long way around and runs up to my body and he shouts:

“Anakin! You were the chosen one! I have the high ground!”

I did not find it very amusing at the time.


Back in early Wrath I signed up for a Naxx 25 pug group. I had basically no raiding experience prior to this.

The group leader asked very clearly to all comers “do you know the fights?” To which I lied and said yes. I didn’t know them, didn’t even bother looking up videos. Figured how hard could it possibly be? I’ll just not stand in obviously bad stuff. True champions wing it with no plan!

First boss, Anub’rekhan. I instantly die to the first insect swarm. Few seconds later I was booted from the group and got a whisper “Sorry, you don’t know fights.” I couldn’t even be upset, I deserved that. :innocent:


Obiwan: “Did Vader tell you his feelings about lava?”

Vader: “It’s molten, it’s burning, and it gets everywhere!!!”


Probably in WoD trying to kill manneroth (I think?) and… My bow broke in the middle of the fight.

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Me: exists


Every time I’m in a raid and/or logging in.

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My first mistake was picking up a video game as a woman. I’m not good at video games, or anything in life for that matter, except digital art, but that’s really it. Other than that, I’m useless as a person.

I fell of someone in the mechagon dungeon and left the group after being unable to find my way back

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i’m the only one of my real life friends playing wow


I didn’t know the Argus fight at all when I joined a normal pug.

They said run big bomb to glowy tank, so naturally I ran the big bomb right on the tank on the boss with the entire raid.

Yeah…didn’t go well.


Well of Eternity dungeon back in Cata. Had my Aspect of the Pack on the whole dungeon and didn’t realize it. And that first boss is a big aoe/movement heavy fight. We wiped 2-3 times because of the daze. The whole group was yelling at me in chat to turn it off and I didn’t notice. It was my biggest Huntard moment. I just dropped group with an apology in shame.


(Raid leading) I’ve called for a raid stack in a one shot mechanic before… mistook it for a meteor.

Being in group 1 for mythic Xanesh on the second/third kick. That angle… cripes.


Eternal Palace LFR. I’m on my mage.

Last trash before one of the bosses, I fat-finger Timewarp

i… i would have cried

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