What's your shadowlands spec?

Hello my fellow stealthies. I am curious to know what you’ll be speccing come Shadowlands. Pve, Pvp? Leveling and End-game. What covenant are you choosing, how come? Is there anything that you’re disappointed about the rogue changes?

To answer some of my own questions, I am likely to be doing all content as Subtlety. I’ve played Rogue on and off since the games inception and, honestly, never really meshed with Sub until now and I gotta say, it’s really really fun. I think I’ll be going with the Venthyr covenant for it’s armor looks and vampire-esque feel. Granted the covenant class ability Flagellation looks to be not so good, I think Blizz will likely rework it later. I’m hoping the signature ability Door of Shadows however, provides the same fun factor that I enjoyed with Grapling Hook. Being able to position myself around the environment to take advantage of my opponent or to simply goof around made Outlaw very fun for me.
So far, I haven’t found anything I dislike… except maybe having to keep re-applying poisons every 60 mins, which sounds like a long time… still… Sometimes my main-hand poison disappears when entering pvp or dungeons, dunno why, bug maybe?

Outlaw all the way. I love my gunslinging Worgen self. It’s the perfect Gilnean fantasy if you ask me, I also just find it a fun spec.

i wanna do outlaw for PVP and PVE. im sure sub will get nerfed or be less powerfull at max lvl anyways

Why would you limit yourself to one spec? I’ll be playing whatever is best.

I’ll be playing which ever of the three performs better in pve.

Pvp will be sub unless it’s gutted to unplayable.

Covenant will either be Kyrian or necrolord as Venthyr and nightfae aren’t good for all three specs.

It would have to be gutted to be worse than outlaw considering how bad outlaw is at pvp.

Im a noob outlaw. Should I use poisons, too?

im not limiting anything. i like outlaw and hope its pressure is higher in SL is all i said. Sub cant stay the way it is and everyone knows that. It will either be nerfed hard from all the QQ or its damage in pvp will be normalized at 60 to other classes.

Even if it’s pressure is higher it’s still a bad pvp spec.

Sub even gutted is better.

Outlaw. PvE. Main focus of M+ Always keep options open for other specs depending on content, but outlaw feels the best to play for me.

Covenant will be whatever my m+ team needs me to be so we always have a dungeon buff. Looking like Venthyr, but that’s still up in the air.

According to Infectious night fae is best if your focus is mythic plus

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Good to know. I’m probably not going to have much of a choice, though. It seemed like all of rogue abilities are at least decent, whereas some of my teammates are more locked into their cov. So I’m waiting to see what they pick. Tank probably going night fae and healer might as well. So then I’ll have to go another.

We want to have a person from each cov.

The only one I don’t like the sound of is kyrian, even though I realize it’s supposed to be strong. I don’t really like the idea of a combo point mini game.

The mini game isn’t even that bad. You have 45 seconds to hit the charged point.

I’d suggest necrolord over Venthyr and kyrian. Kyrian is only strong due to Pelagius and he’s def getting a nerf.

I would love to play assassin, but with the way sub has been performing I guess i’ll go sub unless they end up nerfing it.

Yeah necrolord seems fun. But we have a warlock. Like I said I may end up with a less good one just for the benefit of the team. It kind of depends on what our healer chooses to main. I’m not stressing it.

I appreciate the advice, though.

It’s likely that I’m going to remain assassination. As good as it is, I’m not enjoying subtlety.

While it’s undoubtedly worse than sub in 1v1 and set-up based arena comps, I’m confident that sin will still have a place in BGs and more value based mongo comps just due to the 2x effective mortal wounds and consistent spread pressure.

It could be that I’m lying to myself a bit but I don’t particularly care. As I mostly resign myself to solo / open world content and random BGs anyway, I’m just going to play what’s fun.

As for covenant, I’m leaning fae but not married to it.

The good thing about the rogue covenant s is that they are all within 1.5% of each other so it really is play what you want.

The Venthyr weekly just looks so bad though

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Outlaw, for everything but arena. It got some good changes, some bad changes. Still my fav, fun spec.
Really not sure about covenant. I just cant believe they are done with them.

Tonight we kind of settled down and it looks like I’m going necrolord. So that’s cool.

And yeah I had seen that about them being close, so I wasn’t too stressed.

I’m just excited to get into fresh content.

TBH I think Necro is a strong choice especially for mythic plus with the 3x spikes.

I wanted something that was viable with all three specs in pve and pvp

Me too

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Always assassination! Lately I haven’t played outlaw because I miss combat but I always intend on playing all three, I just like the fantasy of assassination the best.