What's your Fel/Wrathguard wielding?

Mine has the deep red color Rivendreth two-handed Sword, goes perfect with the Red, Gold, and Black Wrathguard.

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Mine has the Fel Burning Blade. Top choice IMO looks bad@ss on my Wrathguard

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I use the Primal Gladiator’s Decapitator. Looks great for a brutal demon weapon.

I’m still farming for Taeshalach for him, so he usually wields https://www.wowhead.com/item=190638/tormented-mawsteel-greatsword, but I also farmed all 4 colors of https://www.wowhead.com/item=164339/plundered-molten-reaper for mog pairings.

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Mine has Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds.

The sword from the mythic Hellfire Citadel council boss fight. Not sure what it’s called.

I just wish wrathguard’s weapon were bigger. For some reason the devs I think in legion reduced the weapon sizes on our pet.

I’m still bummed about losing duel wielding wrathguard.


I have a backpack full of them, and then some…
However, I prefer the “Fel” Foereaver Polearm, and the Incandescent Soulcleaver heroic “Fel” versions to match mog.

“Jaisa” or some such looks good too but I have a ways to go on getting that I think.

Wouldn’t you know it, I just got both Taeshalach and Scythe of the Unmaker in the same run! Off to buy a lottery ticket!

My pet loves it, btw:

Just scooped up the Venomreaver to match my fel xmog.

He was using venomreaver… until I snagged mythic scythe from Argus now I’m using that. I got taesalach but I want an extra for my felguard.

I have the two Torghast great swords. Currently use the one with the purple glow. The one with the greenish isn’t bad either. These drop or are bought as cosmetic items but if you leave it in your bags the demon can weird it.

As a side note they should just let us weapon transmog it either in the transmog interface or as an option in the barbershop.

Guessing the only to snag the scythe is in group with a druid right?

@blizz please implement transmog for fel chad. Long overdue QoL update and would allow us to use two handers from the trader’s post :pleading_face:


If I remember right demos pet are the only ones that received no new models from the new demon transmog system

Fel-Infused Polearm

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A dumb mining pick because I need to keep it in my inventory :sob: .

I actually really wanted to get Necromedes the Death Resonator from the DMF for him, but having such a low chance to drop, idk if I can actually get it with a class that doesn’t wield a 2h mace.

I have it on my DK, but took FOREVER to get. It would be all fixed if we could somehow send a transmogged item between our characters.