rainbow toys need a buff…longer duration and shorter cooldowns would be a great place to start.
Oh and I like my glitter trail, Sparkle wings and I have an entire campsite with my new Gnoll Tent!
rainbow toys need a buff…longer duration and shorter cooldowns would be a great place to start.
Oh and I like my glitter trail, Sparkle wings and I have an entire campsite with my new Gnoll Tent!
The Darkmoon Dance Pad. Always down to get my groove on
black diamond ring. pretty solid item for someone whos into showinv off bling.
Picnic basket.
Because I love having dinner with different people. Especially if they’re a Worgen, Panda, Tauren, or Foxo.
I like to use Overtuned Corgi Goggles or Murglasses. They’re cute and it helps a bit with lag.
Mylune’s Call to make things pretty for a minute and I always wear Eternal Black Diamond Ring and Earpieces of Tranquil Focus.
The toy train. The glory days are gone, but my memories still remain. Chuga Chuga CHOO CHOO!
wiggles toes
I like my Toy Train.
sylvanas music box. I love that song.
The Corgi glasses are great for Withered training in Suramar.
I like the various hearthstones. Would like to see more.
The toy is called “A Collection of me” and drops from rare(s) in the Dragon Isles. It spawns a handful of you’s to hype you up.
With only a 5 min cooldown, you are able to press it after every wipe in the raid. It also copies your current appearance so you can Gamon it up, pop the Collection, and have like 6 or 7 Gamons all circle around you and cheer you on. Quite amusing and just an overall fun toy
Orb of Deception for sure, nothing is more awkward than busting out the other factions dance moves while waiting for someone to rez.
I like to use the SIlver-Plated Turkey Shooter in PvP to say “I could kill you, but I won’t”.
nothing that i can discuss in a wow forum
I feel like this is a trap to nerf more toys.
Definitely the Goblin Gumbo. I’m surprised that hasn’t come up for twitch drops yet, it’s a lot of fun! Ogre Piñata too is cool, I hope that’s next.
Katy Stampwhistle
Coin of many faces
Champion’s Salute
Had to look into my favorite toys and here is my list:
The eagle mail from Onh’aran
The hyper-compressed ocean (fishing anywhere. I remember when this was allowed on BGs
Fracture Necro Skull - Kill a critter, teleport to black temple, very handy
Angler’s Raft - Useful if you’re not a Shaman or DK
Jar of Sunwarmed Sand - Daylight scenery. Too bad it has a big cooldown
Cursed Feather of Ikzan - Arakkoa form
Ghostly Iron Bucaneer Hat - Big skeleton form!
Helm of the Dominated - Torghast NPC
Glorious Pennat - Faction pennant, big but a worthy grind (PVP)
Kovork Costume - Closest thing to a playable Ogre
Muradin’s Favor - Good with the ice infernal mount
Odd Polished Stone
Acolyte Disguise
Are gordok ogre suits still in the game? Used to be able to make them for dire maul north