Whats your favorite Toy

Functional or Cosmetic…

i always have The train wrecker gnome handy on all my chars so i can instantly kill that train noise:)


Any of the rainbow toys they are fun.

Trainset of course. I think that’s it.


I like the Suramar gaurd toy from the Legion TW vendor. I like to use it in raid before pulls “An illusion! what are you hiding” it makes a circle around you too and its fun to watch half the raid try to run out of it


That’s a personal question.

(I love changing into random bosses so probably the one from the shop)


i feel like… if i say i have a favorite toy, i’ll log in to find that it doesn’t do the cool thing anymore. :grimacing:

i love my Pepe

i like toys which i can use to feel like i’m interacting with other players while waiting for spawns… things like balls and the disc to play catch with.

rainbow generator


murglasses and corgi goggles

flippable table

simian sphere

anything i can make a mess with…
covering the landscape with stuff like lounge cushions and umbrellas and general mess :stuck_out_tongue:


I really like the toy where you project a rainbow onto someone.

I just got it, so Hyper-Compressed Ocean is my current favorite.

When I am sitting at a thing waiting for something, I usually run through random assortments of ~“turn me into something” toys.

I also like the ~“run around while lit on fire” toy (something about matches)


Seafarer’s Slidewhistle. It’s on my bars with the rest of my buffs/consumables so that I can prime it as part of my pre-run ritual.

For those who don’t have it, it plays the ascending slide whistle tone when you use it, and then it’s “primed”. If you die while it’s activated, it plays the descending note automatically. It also only has a 60 second cooldown, so you can have the descending tone ready for those perfect moments, like jumping down to first boss in NL, jumping down to middle area in Nelthanus, or after a pull where one of your party members has died and is waiting to get rezzed.

It’s literally the best toy in the game, lol.

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My favorite toy? … smirks


I like the nobles elementium ring. Especially with the venthyr glove mogs with rings, looks particularly cool.

Also the punching bags are great. If you drop 2 of them for some world bosses or extra hard elites it helps to chain things or encourage procs!

Lately it has been Atomic Recalibrator

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


The Rainbow Generator, because it’s fun to use during the Gnome & Troll races.

I also like the Brewfest Pony, free brew for everyone.

The train set is fun as well… just because it annoys everyone. :rofl:

mole machine - gets someone everytime :slight_smile:

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Underlight sea glamp.

Runner up, the creepy tea set from Drustvar

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Cosmetic but the only problem I have with a lot of them is it is on a god damn hour long cooldown for something that lasts for 10 minutes, namely the Magic Pet Mirror and Narscicca’s Mirror. Why is it hard, even as a RPer, to have a toy that uses a pet’s appearance (Or the other way around, there is too a toy of that) that doesn’t have a unreasonably long cooldown. Its not like it is even functional at all, it breaks the second you’re in combat.


I have gotten a lot of use out of the Aspirant’s Stretcher toy in RP. I just wish you could move it around while on it.

Currently the one that teleports me to the black temple, because I am farming for those warglaives.

I’ve probably used wormhole generators more than any other toy.

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All the scouting maps that give you all the flight points.


I don’t really consider them toys, but I guess now my favorite toys are the Dalaran and Garrison Hearthstones.

Toys are fun, I have like 5+ pages of favorited toys. Because these were just recently added as toys, I’d actually appreciate it if Blizz implemented a tiered system for different levels of favorited toys / pets / transmogs.

I don’t want to have to scroll through my pages of favorited toys to find these hearthstones. I want these guys to show up smack-dab in the very front of my Toys UI the moment I open the tab. Don’t feel like making space on my bars just for different hearthstones, but that might be what I need to do.