What's your favorite part of Warcraft lore?

Sorry to be necroing an old thread like this, but I couldn’t resist when I found it. My favorite part to date, is the vindication of Illidan. A close 2nd would be the metropolis of Gadgetzan in Hearthstone. That concept and it’s attached lore are very impressive IMO, I would love to see something like that utilized in the actual game of WoW.

Honestly I’m in love with the well of eternity and what it did to azeroth’s natural flora and fauna. It’s so interesting that magic played a role in evolution and development of species in a meaningful way. Very cool imho.

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When AU Velen purified K’ara. Watching that cinematic always brings a tear to my eye. It’s such a beautiful cinematic

Shadowlands didnt happen. EVER. I dont even know what a Revendreth is.

Favorite cinematic: Shadowlands trailer
Favorite characters: Sylvanas and Kael’thas
Favorite event: Battle for Andorhal.


You’re still in denial. You have to take the first step and accept it happened.

My favorites are two separate things. The most fav is Legion. It showed that when the Legion’s focused on you it’s a bad time. Nothing’s off the table for them. Planet cracking, Espionage, manipulation, and deals. All of it all the time.
The is WoD. Not the expansion per se but the idea of it and using it to experience and learn history.

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No! It was all a N’zoth dream!

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I love a lot of the old scourge lore, and the war3/warcraft vanilla horde.

Also a zandalari is fine, too.

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What DO you do with a drunk Blood Elf Warlock???

The lore of Wrath of the Lich King regarding Arthas, the Scourge, death knights, really anything relating to the undead intrigued me when I was younger. I had played Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne expansion pack for the game so I was quite familiar with Arthas’ fall from grace from the beloved paladin prince of Lordaeron to the titular tyrannical Lich King of the Scourge. Wrath of the Lich King had many great lore moments, but even to this day, nothing beats the Wrathgate cinematic for me.

Really everything about WotLK captivated me. The lore was the main point, but the environments of Northrend itself were amazing to me. The huge cliffs and vrykul villages of Howling Fjord, the rolling plains of Borean Tundra, the massive frozen wastes of Dragonblight, the forests and rivers of Grizzly Hills, the multi-tiered troll city that was Zul’drak, the absolutely gigantic mountains of Storm Peaks, and Icecrown swarming with legions of undead… didn’t care about Sholazar Basin or Crystalsong Forest and still don’t to this day, lol. Imo, the visuals of Northrend are still unmatched in the xpacs after WotLK, and the music is legendary.

Mind you I was still very young when WotLK was the current xpac so I didn’t really know exactly how the gameplay worked, but I understood enough to level up, do the quests and see the different zones of Northrend. I know some people don’t like WotLK for introducing things like RDF and streamlining the game to appeal more to casuals, but WotLK to this day is still my favorite WoW xpac. Besides the lore and environments of Northrend, WotLK is where I met my WoW friend group that I played with for years. Sadly the majority of the group has moved on from WoW; only one friend from that group still plays consistently. To me, Wrath of the Lich King is when Warcraft lore was at it’s peak… unfortunately, the end of that xpac also signaled the decline in quality of Warcraft’s lore overall, which is where we’re at now.