What's your favorite mount?

Even if it’s something you don’t own and wish to get or feel like you’ll never obtain. What is it?

Mine has to be my Vulpine you can get from the store. It’s just got an adorable animation and it looks pretty sick to boot.

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My favorite mount is the Obsidian Worldbreaker.

I don’t use it but it’s the best looking one to me.

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The (resto) shaman water ele is still really good.

For ground mounts (on my warlock) I ride the vicious saddle horse with the banner on his back. For flyers, I use the Fel Drake I got from the TCG like 12 years ago.

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Llothian prowler
If it could fly, id never need another mount again


This is one I don’t see a ton of people using tbh. I know it was an event mount, but I feel like it’s a little underrated. I use it on my characters that have almost a biker type feel to their transmog. Just looks sick.

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Probably the warlord’s deathwheel although when I’m with someone, it’s probably the mekgineer’s chopper/

This totally checks out. Good day, Mechagnome.


For me, my mount must absolutely fit the transmog. It’s like, essential.

So currently, I’m using highlord’s golden charger.





Never mind.


Magic Rooster is my favorite, it’s one of the very few mounts that hasn’t been recolored and recycled 50 times, plus it’s super small and cute (i hate big mounts).


my favorite mount is my wife


What I have: Ashes

What I don’t have: Spectral Tiger

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Uncorrupted Voidwing. It’s an awesome design that’s also well executed. The colours look brilliant, and it just has a great level of details. Like you look in its mouth and the bar that the reigns are attached to sits under its tongue and doesn’t clip through. It’s actually properly modeled. I appreciate that.


Lightforged Warframe

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My Amani War Bear. i worked my butt off and fought my way to top dps (both in #'s and in skill) to beat that timer


For flight: the frostwyrm from ICC and the uncorrupted voidwing from AOTC Nzoth.
For ground: the alliance chopper that costs 100k, forget what it’s called, and then most recently the mawsworn charger from torghast.

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Bro, that’s disgusting.
Seriously, your grandma is your favorite mount?


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Agreed for flying mounts on that one. I think that’s the best looking drake model Blizz has designed, with the Infinite Timereaver and Obsidian Worldbreaker being tied for second.

For ground mounts, my vote goes to the Voidtalon of the Dark Star. It’s a relatively old model by today’s standards, but there’s nothing else my shadow priest rides around on when she’s not flying. Looks even better in shadowform!

I don’t have it, and even though it’s just a recolor of the battle bear, it still hits different.

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