What's your favorite lore moment?

Has to be either:

A) The feral worgen attack on Gilneas City and the final confrontation in Light’s Dawn Cathedral.

B) Sylvanas and Anduin’s face-off in the Undercity’s throne room. Say what you will about BfA but Sylvanas hissing “You’ve won…nothing” still chills me.

C) Any and everything related to Lillian Voss. Her storyline in Tirisfal, her Scarlet Monastery takeover, everything.

D) The goblin starting zone storyline in Kezan and the deserted island. Blizzard does goblin screwball hypercapitalist comedy very well.


This goes down as one of the most asinine lore moments… Seriously. You mean to tell me after Sylvanas committed genocide against the Night Elves; Anduin, Genn, Jaina, and Alleria just waltz into the throne room and try to ask Sylvanas to surrender? SERIOUSLY?

It was so nonsensical. AND then you mean to tell me that Genn, Alleria, and Jaina let Sylvanas just walk up within a foot of Anduin without doing anything? Please! If Genn was written IC he would have tried to rip Sylvanas’ head off and Alleria would have turned her into a pin cushion.

That whole scene was complete bullcrap, and nonsense, clearly written for the “rule of cool” to make Anduin look like the badass king standing up to the villain, and to make Sylvanas look like the badass tactical genius that tricked them into a trap and escapes with her new powers.


Yes, everything before and after that moment could be filed under “questionable decisions made in the BfA writing room” but the rule of cool of that one moment was strong enough to make me forget about those questionable decisions for a bit.

Plus, “muzzle your dog, your majesty” made me chuckle.


It’s little, but Saurfang coming to bail you out in Borean Tundra when Garrosh sends you on a suicide mission.

Was a far better juxtaposition of the conflict between Thrall’s ideals and Garrosh’s than anything blizzard did in Cata/MoP/BFA.

The apocryphal cancelled cutscene/event revolving around Baine actually getting off his butt and rallying the tauren to push back the Alliance from TB would have probably been my favorite if it wasn’t cut.


Nothing about that moment makes it redeemable in my opinion. I just see it and want to barf because of the idiocy, all because Blizz had to hype up their golden boy Anduin and their waifu Sylvanas.

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Just kidding.
The strongest one (not necessarily my favorite) was, perhaps, this. [Frostfire Ridge Finale]

Watching it give me goosebumps every time because, to me, that is the epitome of Orcish honor and the glory they can achieve on the battlefield. Not to slake some endless bloodthirst or for the sake of a “great kill” against a mighty foe, but to never surrender and to protect those they cherish no matter the cost.

Hard to pin down a specific favorite, though.


"I have witnessed the rise and all of empires. The birth and extinction of entire species. Over countless millennia the foolishness of mortals has remained the only constant…Your presence here confirms this.

My master has shown me the future, and you have no place in it! Azeroth will be reborn in darkness. Yog’Saron shall be released! The Pantheon shall fall! What hope is there for you? None!"

Seriously, it’s the best villain speech delivered in the game and it’s from such a minor dungeon boss. General Rajaxx gives an excellent speech too. He’s up there, that bug sure can throw shade.

Fear is for the enemy! Fear and death! One thousand years of injustice will end this day!


It’s hard for me to pick out a specific moment as for as much as I criticize WoW’s writing, it’s had some really great ones over there years.

But this big long list everyone is posting has really brought something into focus for me. My two favorite races, dwarves and gnomes, don’t really have moments on these kind of lists. Like for most if not all of the races you can find these really cool epic moments for them, things that really stand out as awesome. And dwarves and gnomes are certainly important to the game, they’re the entire backbone of the Alliance. But for the life of me I cannot think of one of these big awesome bombastic moments that center on a dwarf or a gnome. On the Horde side Goblins might be in the same boat.(but at least someone mentioned them in this thread, close to 50 replies and not a single mention of dwarves or gnomes yet)

What’s up with that?


So…for the gnomes, they did have their mini-campaign to free Gnomeregan. It was a limited event, though, and if you weren’t there during the time, you didn’t really get a chance to play through it. It was, at the time, pretty cool. But not epically, so, sadly. It was neat to get to see them have a moment, though–even if you never see it again. >.<

Dwarves have had some great moments, but most of them are outside of the game, sadly. Magni turning to diamond. The whole Moira returning to Ironforge. The creation of the Council of Three Hammers… sighs I think the most dwarf moments we get are that one quest about the dwarf that punched Deathwing in the face (which, …for some stupid reason I just love,) and then the Arathi Highlands where we get to help some dwarfs get married? >.> There are some great moments when you get to ride along and fight with them, too, there.

But yeah…sighs All in all, I guess there aren’t a lot of cool moments for them. Even Mechagon, while having some great gnomish lore for you if you’re Alliance (or doing the mechagnome heritage race quest,) could likely have been more exciting for gnome players. But I think a lot of the time, dwarves and gnomes have never (yet,) sought to wield cosmic forces to bring about something in the world that people needed to fight again. Maybe that’s why they seem so lackluster for character moments as the other races do?

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When you as a young Draenei initiate slay an Eredar on Bloodmyst and all the questing npcs throughout your journey show up to celebrate you including Velen.

People really sleep on the Draenei starting zone.

My spicy take is the Battle for Lordaeron when the gates open revealing the massive armies engaging with each other.


I will be forever salty that this was a total failure. It ends with you running away and Gnomergon getting worse. In a patch that was supposedly about the Trolls and Gnomes retaking their homes, only the Trolls actually accomplished the task, while the Gnomes had to run again and set up a small camp on the surface. So what could have been a cool moment for the race got turned into just another failure.

And it’s never been touched on since.


Would probably pick something from warcraft 3 like groms sacrifice. But actually.

If we had Horde characters act like Garrosh did here to Krom’gar, but with the roles being any leader (including thrall) being in place of warchief and sylvanas as well krom’gar, she could even flee etc.

It would probably have been better if this happened after the burning, with Saurfang having the mak’gora there and then. Or someone else.

The alliance could still attack etc etc.


Question though, didn’t Gnomes get Mechagon as their new racial capital though? Since Mekkatorque became the new King of ALL Gnomes. I don’t know if players have access to Mechagon City or not, or if it is just the dungeon still, but I think that was supposed to make up for losing Gnomeregan.

That still sucks for Gnome players because it isn’t their capital, but it is better than nothing I guess. Look at us Worgen :frowning_face:

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It’s still a dungeon.


I did the Mechagnome recruitment quest where you take the “portal” to Mechagon after the dungeon and thought that maybe that was something they added to give Gnomes a new city.

I wish, it’s literally just that 1 single room.


Dang, that is unfortunate. Well, what do you expect when they want to force us all into our Human Overlords’ capital, Stormwind. LMAO


you get access to the whole dungeon outside of the dungeon even the city,

There is a teleporter at rustbolt.

I will link you my twitter because i tweeted Igod about it.


So you are still in mechagon (the zone) etc. There is no instance and you have no rep requirements for it. it was added idk when :P.

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In General: Arthas merging with Ner’zhul. The scene of him sitting alone on the Frozen Throne will remain epic. Which is why I was sad when WotLK rebuilt the Citadel into a Citadel. I was hoping when we reached Icecrown we’d just see the Frozen Throne at the center being all ominous.

In WoW: The Horde and Alliance landing in Pandaria. I loved when the flares/fires are lot and then you get that epic music as the ships approach. Seeing the forces storm the beach was one of the few times when a war felt like a war.


I didn’t know about this so I just gave it a shot. You are correct it does take you into the city. There are no vendors nor any access to any other type of NPC, all of them are uninteractable, but I guess we at least get to look at how cool it looks. That’s more than I thought we got.

Thank you for showing me this. Why isn’t this shown to the player in game?