What's your favorite long-running tv series?

And why is it Supernatural?


define “long” as I dislike most series that go on too long (which is most of them)

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i’ll leave it up to you!

all time probably MASH although a bit dated now

modern, Breaking Bad for five seasons. I’ve liked other shows as much or better but they ran for less seasons than five


Supernatural… SG-1… Um… not “long running” but still love it: Babylon 5.


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Currently, or maybe not so currently, The Big Bang Theory except after a few seasons I got sick of Sheldon. It became the Sheldon show after a while.

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My dad and I have been watching MASH together when I come over to visit. Caught the episode the other day where it’s shot first person, from the perspective of a wounded soldier brought in. Was a really unique episode.

Miami Vice ran for a pretty good amount of time and I will always have a soft spot for the show, since I grew up watching it while living in Miami. As a kid who loved cars and speedboats, it definitely had my attention.

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It’s Supernatural for me too.


The Big Bang Theory

I’m on the fence with Stranger Things. Season 1 was great, season 2 was pretty bad, season 3 not much better, but season 4 came back around to being good again.

I also prefer when shows are short and sweet. Like everyone complains about Firefly ending too early but I disagree. The longer a show goes on, higher the chance that some money man is going to ruin it. Also a higher chance that it might be canceled on a cliffhanger like The Dark Crystal and Black Summer.

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I think the show that was on the longest for me was Will and Grace or Scrubs. But I stopped watching Scrubs after one season starts with Ted getting bad touched.

I do enjoy south park from time to time still, theres that too.

The West Wing of course.

I feel like a solid 5 seasons is the sweet spot for a really good show.

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Think I’m gonna have to add Murder, She Wrote. I like that there’s a channel that plays it non-stop so I can have it on in the background. Also been streaming Magnum PI lately. :smiley: