What's your favorite iteration of Arms and why?


Cata would be my favourite, followed closely by WotLk.

Yeah, Arms in Cata was almost OP at the time. At least I remember people complaining about it. Raid dps and Pvp arms was top tier at the time.

During Cata Arms was vastly out performing Fury until they fixed Titan’s grip and Single Minded Fury.

Been always using it since I started posting in TBC . Back then it was just : and )

I know I’m part of a few but I miss focus rage for warrior.

Even prot I thin could talent into it but it increased the dmg of an ability and you could stack up to 3x

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This is only relevant in small kill times where execute phases lasts a lucid Tom and not much past that. Without those execute is terrible.

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So, without all the things you run normally, execute is weak. Interesting.

Without a shield, tanks are basically terrible.

Hey I did it too. Additionally, without a relatively short fight, arms will not do so much explosive damage, relative to the rest of it. And of course, the longer the execute goes on, the closer fury and arms are to each other in execute damage. That does not makes arms execute “terrible” simple due to a longer fight/longer execute. It makes it, comparatively less explosive. Terrible, is a very different adjective.

Lastly, that’s a 37 second window. Not an overall look. It simply shows what arms in execute can do. And thus, what you said is effectively irrelevant to the point i was making.

Guess blood dk is terrible since they don’t use a shield :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I know it’s a 37 second segment, I was just making the point that execute is solely being propped up by other things, and is generally pretty terrible without them. It’s not so much of an issue now but it will be next xpac.

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It’s almost like things will likely change in the next expansion.

Cata and MoP arms for me.


Mop arms was really fun. Ranged silence, double charge, second wind was amazing, high sustained damange, high dot damage, high burst damage. It was a very fluent spec in pvp.

Controversial choice, but I also like Wod arms. The base of the spec wasn’t great, however execute was extremely entertaining in pvp, especially with sweeping strikes (hitting for like over 100k when people only had like 60k life left).

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MoP had my favorite version of Arms.
Arms spec could Intervene, had Shattering Throw, and also had Storm Bolt to boot in the same spec.
Had a lot of people doing RBGs and PvP during MoP. That was the period when oQueue was alive too.
Fun times.


I liked BC’s version of Arms. MS hit so hard back then.

I don’t know, I’ve only played a warrior as an alt, but to me the game was over when they gave fury the ability to carry 2 2handers and left arms without any real identity. Maybe something like stance dancing could bring back some soul in the arms spec?

MoP Arms was fluid and interacted well with itself.

I don’t really mind BFA Arms.

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MOP arms was king.

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Banners! Oh how I miss my aoe taunt banner

Cata Arms for me, I miss the ramp up of Lambs to the Slaughter.

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I’ve been playing arms since WoD so that would be my favorite arms war. I missed shattering throw mostly (cause I pvp). Thank god they’re giving it back.

I honestly miss intervene! Being able to intervene an ally in critical moments felt so good in arenas. I mentioned in another post I’d like to see ignore pain baseline for avatar as well.

Side note:
Do we know if we will be getting 1h sword and shield to swap back n forth from in shadowlands? I’m not sure if that’s a fact or not. I personally hope they do NOT do this. Grinding BiS gear is hard enough as it is. Having to farm 2 more items is just torture. Is it titan forged? Does it have a slot? Right stats? And now… is it corrupted??.. smh give it rest bliz. Pls. Haha