What's your favorite chips?

Yeah tell him to drink milk for round 2. Water makes it worse or does nothing to alleviate the heat.


They’re good. I can’t take a lot of hot things all at once, but I have one or two here and there.

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Tostitos + Queso dip

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I thinking of trying that Carolina reaper chip challenge sometime.

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Brave soul! Let me know how it turns out if you do :smiley:

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Always come back to regular Pringles.

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You are probably the only few people I know who likes plain regular chips.

Salt and Vinegar Pringles!


That’s because it’s not good to be normal. Everyone wants to be a little weird and a little unique.

The irony is that because everyone abandoned things that were considered normal, the most basic things (plain chips, vanilla ice cream, etc) became somewhat unique and people who choose them now tend to stand out.

I like the Kettle Brand (Krogers) salt and vinegar

/moo :cow:

Zapps Voodoo baby


Garden Salsa Chips or Honey Dijon DoT’s pretzels, which isn’t actually a chip, but a glorious snack food.

Not going to speak to any person and what they can/can’t have, but type 2 diabetes basically boils down to being extremely insulin resistant, largely attributed to poor lifestyle/diet. Insulin is supposed to bring down your blood sugar when it rises from food consumption and foods that will raise your blood sugar the most are going to be carbohydrates, albeit there’s nuance to this as carbs can turn to glucose at different rates which is important.

Realistically anyone pre-diabetic or T2D is probably not eating a lot of snack-type foods because they are tend to lean heavily into carbs, and are completely lacking in fiber.


I did it with a friend once, and it was funny given that he tends to handle spicy things better than I do, but I was definitely capable of fighting through it, however I gave in because I could see he was suffering and he wouldn’t drink the milk unless I did too.

After that though it got worse. I think in part because I just chugged a lot of milk and ice cream though, not entirely because of the chip itself, which tasted like butt.

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Poker chips.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I consider myself lucky if I break even.

Thank you for the write up, it was informative.

Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.

Sour Cream & Onion, dipped in sour cream.

I prefer brands that have slightly overcooked chips. A little browning for that extra flavour.

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Hickory Sticks


Either Lay’s Salt & Vinegar, or Lay’s Ketchup chips.