Whats your favorite Battle pet?

I’m quite partial to the Fluxfire Feline, just from a purely conceptually level.

I have a team of 3 of them named Yattarō, Pururun, and Sukashī respectively because why not? Sure, they’re not ninjas, but they are still mechanical cats.


Stop taunting me into these threads!*

For me, it’s Kun-Lai Runt. There are so many reasons, but I think the combination of so very cute and, honestly awesome moveset is just too much for me to not love. And yes, I said it. It’s love.

*please don’t stop


Had to look up your Six Legs Larry…thought it would be a spider. It’s a cousin of my crawdaddy! He was the first pet that was a special case to obtain. Fished him up in the first fish pool I dropped my rod into up in old Skettish in TBC and then went thru the weekly wishes. A few of my guildies made me wait til they could watch what happened. Was one of the first ones on my realm which was cool but I didn’t really drag my pets around with me so was soon forgotten.

Til Pet Battles got patched in Mists. I resisted doing them for a while, just collected some but crawdaddy turned out to be an excellent tank/heals along with clockwork (from archaeology?) and the turnip I grew. Anubby came along too as the shield tank. I got lots of pets since then but pretty much use the saved teams from back then to do DMF and other pet tamer battles.

Thanks Gello for Rematch, the best addon to keep all this organized.


You should check out Francois;

He’s by the front of the Norwington Estate. He’ll only interact with you if you have a million gold on you. If you do he gives you an egg that becomes the pet. It doesn’t cost any gold, just that he’ll ignore you without it.


Adorable, but I’ll never have a million gold lol.


Oh wow…cute!

Time to move gold from all the alts to Vix. Should have a million at least on on realm. Wait, do you have to be Alliance to get this?

Can I move gold to Alliance chars?? Don’t think it worked before. Hmm.

Will try on Horde first then worry about it.

I like to hang around with my nightmare bell, I got it in WoD and since then I go around up and down accompanied by that little thing.

Body is too similar to what you recently posted Low quality forums :crazy_face:


Horde can reach him, but it’s tricky not to aggro guards. From the Wowhead page it looks like there are paths that can avoid most of it though.


Thanks Grarn. Will try - it’ll be like trying to get to that blow-hard birdie boss on that nearby hill.

Maybe I’ll send my rogue.


Francois and Alarm-O-Dog for appearance. And Mr. Bigglesworth for personal reasons. Our family cat was actually named Mr. Bigglesworth before he went over the rainbow bridge (we called him Middi Woo coz that’s how my younger sibling said his name, thus my Mr. Bigglesworth’s name) so he’s a special pet to me for that reason.


My buddy that used to play really liked that pet. He had a few of them, named them something like SSJ something. Looking at the moves, the Frost Shock into Deep Freeze into Take Down is a sick combo, so I can see why it’s a favorite.


My favorite Battle Pet is Cap’n Crackers. Why you might ask? Who wouldn’t want a Pirate Companion while you are out in the game world questing.


Can you also post this in https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/gameplay/pet-battles?


Mmm… I dunno I’m not a real hardcore pet battler but I like… my cogblade raptor s/s breed… he is pretty good… umm… dream whelplings are pretty good… sometimes its fun to do the blind/flash of light or whatever combo with twilight cat and shadow… I dunno if I really have a favorite I “set summon random favorite” every level 25 pet I get.

I like that it’s bigger than I am with a pet biscuit. (On my non-gnome main.)

PS: You can resist taunt on the classic forum, but not here. :wink:

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I’d say the White Kitten that Lil Timmy sells. The yellow text is so good referencing the Queen. Have it for my Paladin’s companion and name the kitten Tiffin.

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Shadow the fox from the store, I love to use the magic pet mirror on him and then ali’s skymirror on myself so I can fight as a fox for a while… vulpera hype!


For pet battles, I really like the corefire imp. It’s really underrated with its ability to swap out while still doing damage and heal for 9 turns. Also has a strong heal and attack.

For a follower, the Wretched Servant is great. This is a loophole I found so that I can legally own an Elf, so that’s pretty cool.

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Lol I actually remembered that was your favorite back when we had a thread similar to this on the old pet battle forums.

Mine still is my Unborn Valkyr. Over 5000 pvp battles won with her.


So I mailed all the golds from everyone to my rogue and stealthed up there and got my new chickie! Aggro’d the guards but runned away and vanished so didn’t get deadzorz.

Then my pally went to Darkshore and got an owl pet AND the umber kitty mount. And did the Nazmir incursion, the best one with the aerial combat. A good WoW nite. =)