What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

If you roll an orc warlock, do the undercity version of the voidwalker quest. Much easier than adventuring into skull rock for your imminent death :laughing:


Always, and I mean ALWAYS have a couple Limited Invulnerability Potions in your bags. Its worth whatever cost they are on the AH. Dying from fall damage is the pits.

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Incubus is sexier and much easier to get at 20.


You mean the nothing burger that all you babies keep crying about?

Oh I’m not crying. I’m quite content. But I keep seeing small changes happening to WoW Classic Era since the day it dropped. One here, one there, one over there… Slowly but surly it’ll be Retail Lite.

I think it’s very fair for Era enjoyers to be concerned.

If we wanted retail interfaces we would play retail. That’s why its there.


Don’t die.


My tip is more community related: don’t gouge the AH; be happy with smaller profits since the community will be stronger and you’ll have more help down the line if people can afford the gear, pots, bags, food, and whatever else they, and you, need on your…journey…I’d like to thank the Academy.


Another “the menu changed, game is broke” complaint. Grow up. The game plays as close to Vanilla as possible given the hardware and software changes we’ve been through since Vanilla was released.


It’s much more than that, but you do you buddy. I’m not going to get in an argument with you, since the blanket “grow up” comment tells me it’s not worth it. Have a nice day.


First and foremost - Look out for #1

Get a box of depends, that way if you jut have to use the restroom you can go in those nifty ‘gamerpants’…you’re welcome.

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  1. Assume large chain aggro ranges when considering attacking a mob that is nearby another. Don’t just assume that they are far enough apart to not chain aggro.

  2. If someone else is about to do something dumb, get far away. If they get swarmed, and you somehow get into that aggro pool somehow, once the mobs are done with that fool, they are coming for YOU!

  3. Sandbag quest. That just means to do the quests that are lower level than your character. You are in no rush. Think of it like life and levels as age. Who in their teens is in a rush to get to 60 years old?


I’m all for helping out guildies, friends, or randos with mats, gear, crafting, etc., but underpricing on the AH isn’t helping the community, it’s just giving someone else the profit of your labor. It won’t be showered upon you at a later date.

The AH will be the only real PvP in Hardcorpse.


From the prices ive seen at times on ptr and in Classic the only people who can afford things are buying gold. I plan on being able to buy a bag or two and a wand and thats it for awhile.

I have to disagree. If the majority work together it will be better in the end; a rising tide lifts all boats. It isn’t a question of getting back a few gold later on, it’s more of helping everyone get through the early slog so there’s more folks that are still going. But, to each their own of course.

You want help, join a guild.

The AH is for chumps.

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I hope that I can afford to sell stuff at a reasonable price, and if you’re on Skull Rock, you might just be buying bags and wands I created :wink:


I plan on it, but I’ll look out for chumps, they need love too.

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But someone is gonna be buying your underpriced goods and relisting them.