What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

what if i want to what if my mom is dragging me off the pc

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Caves are always a bad idea.

This doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes go into a cave, but just know and accept that it’s a bad idea, and you are making bad choices by going in there.


Green mobs / quests are your friend :smiley:


Make sure your health does not go to zero and you’ll win every time.


Always top off! Make sure that HP bar and MP bar are full up before you start the fun times. You can buy food and drink at the innkeeper.


Clear an exit path as you fight deeper away from the road. If you pull three or more, run (sometimes two). Record your game so we can see the epic moments.
Use questie to save a ton of time.
If you are a warlock - you can die. You will think it’s impossible but it’s very possible.
Avoid EPL and silithus. EPL has several elites roaming and ghouls that patrol wide areas that have a debuff that stops any healing, even food after combat.
Stay off the ships in STV. Avoid elite quests. Use unitscan to get warned of approaching elites - often need to add them to the addon before the warning appears.
Don’t do these things that killed me: fall off a cliff on the deathless skip. Run into a croc on the deathless skip. Fight a lvl 24 mini boss as a lvl 22 warlock when the boss spawns lots of voidwalkers.
Stop having your head on a swivel because you are a super powerful rogue.
Go deep into a trogg cave and kill 5 mobs fast, then get respawns and try to run out because warlocks are so powerful they can’t die right?
Forget you don’t have a healer and are a warrior while fighting two murlocs after a dungeon.

  1. Be aware of spots that are packed with mobs where you can suddenly have 2 or even 3 mobs respawn close to you. Examples are the kobold cave with goldtooth, the kobold cave in loch modan (and this cave has casters which makes it more dangerous), the island in loch modan where you pick up the things you need for Biggles (has both casters and melee that can stun you). Grouping can be useful in these places but not with underlevelled players who can overpull.

  2. If the server starts to look unstable (eg ddos attack) then log off, go outside, come back later… Equally if you have programs like mail that start notifying you you have mail - fix the settings so they dont interrupt you. I was in a guild for weeks on the PTR and common forms of death were - i) server instability (getting logged off) and ii) going afk.

  3. When you do group up you can go faster… but not too fast! So many people in my guild who died blamed one of the people they were grouped with.


Read this!


Also, for any of us who can level to 60 with no deaths, no restarts, how about giving us a free level 60 mount?


I’ll get that sweet, sweet [Tin Ore] or die trying.


Thanks for the new forum!


here’s a tip for HC don’t play it if you don’t understand the game and definitely don’t complain when you die to the game your playing a version of the game that if you make a mistake you start over for your own personal gloating

Learn the caves. The game only has so many cave maps. Once you know them you won’t get lost in them and the risk drops a bit.


Those spells that you never really use on a normal server and PVE? They can save your life. I can’t count how many times I’ve watched people die and when asked “why didn’t you [spell]?” They reply something along the lines of “I forgot I had it”.


My best tip is tell your community the servers you planned to release so you don’t build up hype and then have it crushed when you realise you have to play on 200+ ping and a whacked up timezone.

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Escort and caves don’t really worth it. Just kill 10 mobs and you basically get the same XP you would had got.

Especially with so many people respawn rates might be insane.


Level multiple characters at the same time, especially if you play with friends. If you die with your priest at 20, it wont be so long for your shaman 18 to reach out your friends


Imagine if we got this much communication on Blizzards part regarding the stuff they mucked up with the latest maintenance.


Dont Die.

You’re welcome

Son of Arugal says hi - often times from the backside of a hill. First Person camera will give you the most hardcore experience.


All well and good until the Spectrum tech disconnects internet for the whole building at the pole without giving you a heads-up first.