What's wrong with Vanish?

Vanish is still broken!

The effort is appreciate, but so far no improvement has been made.

These are the observations after testing PVP side of this.

Vanish “Buff” does not start to actually work until roughly 1 global after the “Vanish” ability is executed by the player.

Vanish does not always cause the enemy player to drop target.

Attacks or spells that are in progress are not always canceled by “Vanish”

After reviewing some “Vanilla” video I can see that “Vanish” can actually “immune” a DoT tic on the rogue who uses it; this is interesting because I did not know that was actually possible… ( I learn something new every day)

For the NPC side of this I observe that NPC’s will drop stop attacking and pause for a moment and instead of re-setting like they should then reacquire target and proceed to smash face.

Something is wrong here.

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Just gonna bump this up now.

The dogs in BRD can see through stealth. In later incarnations of WoW these mobs had an icon over their heads to indicate this ability.

I though many non humanoids could see through stealth?
Animals demons dragonkin etc?

I didn’t mean the dogs exclusively, but in that dungeon yeah the dogs can. Other mobs can too :smiley:

Correct, but these mobs can easily be aggro’d before the rogue would pick pocket; it does not just take place after the fact.

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Does not pick pocket, er lacking better term, let’s just say roll a change of detection?

I don’t know, have not played my rogue in years and sucked with it when i did, but i though pickpocket ran an automatic general risk of detection? maybe i am wrong though

Yeah, you do have a chance to fail. Not sure what the modifier or the proc is based on .

does run a risk of detection in “Failure” but that’s just that your stealth drops on fail.

The failure mode is only that, and does not persist past that point.

This is when the rogue can do one of 2 things…

  1. Fight the NPC or NPC’s

  2. Vanish.

Presently the option 2 “Vanish” is not working as intended.

There is no vanish fail mechanic other than the existing bug. Vanish isn’t a spell like feign death that can be “resisted.”

Mobs that can see through stealth can resist, no?

This bug isn’t regarding mobs that can see through stealth. Vanish is potentially failing against all mobs, even say a level 10 Murloc.

I haven’t had any problems with it so far but my rogue is only 28.

I did have a higher level mob avoid/resist my vanish. The vanish went off but he saw me anyway.

Leeway occasionally produces an anomalous result where I escape, but then the mob hits me from very far away.

Still broken. Same issues as reported before. Just had another one fail.

Confirmed still very broken…Can we please see some attention towards this?

They probably did fix some minor bug related to vanish, and it was probably doubly broken for a while in conjunction with spell batching.

The real culprit now is clearly spell batching. Every class suffers from this, it’s just really obvious in the case of rogue vanish and hunter FD.

As some one else mentioned spell interrupts are unreliable and can’t be used to interrupt last second. Grounding totem works the same, it will not eat a spell at the last second of casting. My mage has fully improved blizz with frostbite and perma frost, but 40 alliance ride through his blizzards. I’ve auto-attacked mage’s in ice block, I’ve auto attacked while gouged, the list goes on and on…

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Had vanish fail 4 times in a single BRD PP run, I was attempting to sprint away before I vanished each time and still have to burn prep, and even then it can fail again.
Please please fix this garbage

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You guys didn’t fix crap. This is still happening, spell batching is stupid.


Still broke. 2k years later.
Maybe if China wanted vanish fixed it would get done.
Longest lasting bug of all time