Whats wrong with ST 3 day resets?

Why doesnt this raid reset every 3 days? i need a good reason. if u only wanna run it once a week how does it affect u other ppl wanna have more chances doing the content


make an alt if you wanna run it more. how it effects people is if you cannot make 2 days a week why would a guild give you a spot as a main raider?


Who said I wanna play another class??? Who said anything about a guild? I am not a Guild raider. How does this affect your guild and how you play?? If you only wanna clear once a week why would you go all of a sudden want to clear every reset??? I only like pugging the raid I dont run with guilds bro stop bringing other topics into the convo that has nothing to do with the subject


make a mirror alt, then.

the short answer is: scheduling.


because making it a 3 day lock out would come with a gear acquisition nerf making it a longer investment for the same amount of gear. If you legitimately wanna run it more then once make an alt.

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I like it, scheduling every 3 days was terrible.


you dont have to play every 3 days tho. No ones forcing you too but turning it into a weekly is just making to where 4 days into the reset. Its dead theres barely any runs happening :rofl: but you classic era players cant see that


I have 2 druids. No reason not to make more then 1 of your favorite class.

because itemization is dogwater and they dont want you to suddenly realize that


I prefer getting the same amount of loot for raiding only one evening.


none of what u guys saying make sense at all as to why you want 7 day resets. these are not legitimate arguments. But i get it yall say i should og pay another 15 a month and lvl a toon and all the runes and bull jive just so i can raid twice a week. look im good on it ill just go do somehting else other than cry about it. this playerbase is weak AF


I mean what’s wrong with no lockout, who cares it’s a non competitive seasonal server let people have fun.


facts but players have to a false sense of engagement in raid lockouts :rofl:

You’re supposed to have a healer alt in SoD or you’re gonna get clowned on basically. My Priest is camped out in an inn.

Gear acquisition nerf…?

They slapped 2 10 man raid groups together and each boss drops 1 more piece of loot instead of double. We’ve already got the nerf.


Phase 3 sod well scratch that sod in general has been awful.

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Why doesnt mc reset every 3 days? i need a good reason. if u only wanna run it once a week how does it affect u other ppl wanna have more chances doing the content

The weekly lockout change has fully killed raiding during the day. All of P1/P2 I could jump on any time between 8AM and 6PM and jump into a raid. Legitimately any time of day, zero issues, usually multiple raids going off. Since the change I have yet to see a single daytime group. I hit 50 the first night of phase on the main and now have multiple alts up and have been looking for a day time raid every single weekday since phase and have yet to see a single ST pug during the day.


it should be 3.5 day reset, like retail world quests.

Because you aren’t a developer of the game and therefore have no say in developer’s choices.