What's wrong with being overpowered?

Genuine question, who actually cares about people being juiced in a gamemode all about an endlessly scaling power fantasy? As I understand it this whole little event was designed for us to be able to pump crazy numbers in a 12 year old expansion. Nobody cares about world first, there’s no mythic plus rating, there’s literally nothing that has an innate competetive nature here besides what people impose on it by themselves.

Now that the devs have one sidedly decided that the frog farmers “took it too far”, I now get one-shot on my healer in Stormstout Brewery by the alementals because they couldn’t patch their gamemode properly if their lives depended on it. Because it was randomly decided people got too strong in the literal “get very strong” event, it has gone from an enjoyable run through an old expac to a soulless slog where I’m punished for playing on a level 70.

So I’m asking if anyone actually cared that people were super strong, or is it just the devs throwing yet another hissy fit that people played the game in a way they could enjoy and not in a soulless daily quest loop for the next 3 months?


tell us you cheated with the frogs without telling us you cheated with the frogs, lol

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Is this a multiplayer game, or single player? Do you have a chance to group with the “juiced” players who completely negate entire encounters / raids? Do you have people who will be jealous of those who are 50x more powerful than themselves just because they farmed frogs?

The original scaling issues around 65+ have been largely fixed (still some issues, but nothing near as bad).

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I will gladly send you a picture of my dogass cloak with like 50 threads on it if you’d like, I played through via questing because I wanted rewards.

There’s actually a cap, someone hit it, and I wonder how.

In the meantime, I got nerfed and was only 376 iLVL with a little under 1M health in DPS spec. So much for me gaining some ultimate power that warranted a nerf.

But honestly, they advertised this as OP, then went and screwed everyone based on whatever, it was certainly not the frogs since I didn’t gain any substantial power from them, I wasn’t even all that strong.


then in the same vein of your thread here…“why are you stressing about it”…the question to you is why are YOU stressing about OTHERS stressing about the frog exploiters?
you seem to have a bit of skin in the game looking at your OP here.
If not, why worry if others are worried about it?

I’m not complaining about people not liking it, I’m genuinely asking why. Because of the nerfs due to those few froggers, I now have a miserable time playing because it is a blanket nerf to the cloak’s effectiveness. I tried doing some world questing to finish off my achievements for rewards and I struggled to kill single ads. It honestly feels like I’m being punished for NOT farming frogs and that really shouldn’t be the case, I’m now being smote for not metagaming to high hell. It all feels very backwards.


I have not heard of this cap, do you happen to have a link? I have to wonder how close I’m getting.

I would guess its way above what the froggers had, so I’ll probably never touch it

That’s exactly my point, I thought this was advertised as a playful romp through an arguably ancient expac where you can already go back and one-shot things on a current max character anyway. I simply don’t understand why people are so mad that a few players got giga juiced, I’d wan’t to guess jealousy but I don’t like assuming the worst of people so hence why I’m asking

I just confirmed it! - Community / WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Look through the posts, you find a video to Asmonbald, linked by Cygnis.

People are mad at juicers because they are either bad, or missed the boat, I don’t care if you are OP, but constantly running around shutting down farms as we find them, all of them, like there is literally no well known farm spot left in the game at this point, then punishing the wrong crowd for it is stoopid.

Like I seen some dude ask why they did not get the 40K bronze quest… sitting at like 5K stamina. They obviously wanted to stop uber farmers for no good reason, but damn man, their post stating “We will look at froggers who benefited” was just a bloody lie.

Plenty of ‘froggers’ who farmed less than an hour, gained nothing and have no stats were nerfed in the process and for what? Some are STILL running around OP.

I’m mad they kept stopping us from getting juiced, then even more mad they nerfed people who were apparently involved in the frogs, including people who did not even benefit from the frogs.

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I didn’t farm frogs but I loved being in groups with froggers. If i want hard progression, I will play retail. I wanted this to be a fun op game mode where it is easy to gear up.

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Remix was marketed as a fast, fun way to level alts and be ridiculously OP to the point players are soloing group content. It’s obviously not what we got.

Blizz should not have nerfed the frogs. Remix is a mode that does not matter at all. It shouldn’t matter how players have acquired their power while playing the game.

I believe that Blizzard actually wants a truly overpowered result but (and here is the key) they want to have better control over the rate of that power acquisition.

I think our problem here was that it was out of control by day 3 of a 90 day event. I think if this had happened during day 60, they could not have cared less. In fact, I would not be surprised if they juice us with power hard as we near the end.

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There’d be nothing wrong with it but gatekeepers ruined it for everyone else. Frogger only groups started happening and that’s a big problem that had to be addressed.

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