What's with all the FF threads?

Is ff even good?

I know I shouldn’t bump this obvious bait thread but come on Anon! Even you aren’t this bad (usually). I mean my guy, puh-lease. A little bit of effort in trolling would go a long way.

I miss Rastlin. Truly the king of trolls he was.


1.Log into WOW forums.
2. Open new topic
3. Vomit onto keyboard
Look ma I’m trolling!!! :roll_eyes:


I don’t understand how this is trolling.

Yes you do.

Yes, ff is good. Take it from someone with a long history of playing ff.

FF I was good.
FF II was good.
FF III was, well, kinda good I guess.
FF IV was awesome.
FF V was kinda meh but still good.
FF VI was amazing.
FF VII was unbelievably good.
FF VIII was unbelievably bad.
FF IX was a nice return to form.
FF X was great for its day and one of the two reasons I purchased a PS 2 (Kingdom Hearts being the other).
FF X-2 was… OK.
FF XII was good but flawed in execution.
FF XIII was great but a bit too linear.
FF XIII-2 was a great improvement over XIII.
FF XIII-3 was a step backwards.
FF XV was amazing.

FF Tactics was great for a PS 1 game.
FF VII Remake was great.

What’s your point?

Final Fantasy is an iffy name here. People are just tired of constantly hearing about it.

But for a serious answer, it’s mainly because of WoW’s content drought waiting for 9.1. Players were getting frustrated and overly salty about the game so attentions were turned to FF, which has for a long time now been heavily compared to WoW as a rival.

It just devolved into “FF is awesome! WoW sucks!” while ignoring the negatives of FF and the positives of WoW. Usual doomy stuff. FF14 is a good and long lasting game, but it has its own separate issues too. It’s not the god game. Now that 9.1’s coming out hopefully the topic will simmer down and both fanbases can hush.

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Do it for Dale!!!

This one was my favorite, personally.

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Where’s the Vagrant Story HD Remake?

I liked it. I still have my old PS 1 copy. Last year I downloaded it to my PS4 and played it through again and earned the Platinum Trophy, including the ridiculous “kill 10,000 enemies” and “jump rope 1,000 times” grinds. So I guess I must have liked it a lot lol.

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Open forums.
See what type of thread is being spammed.
Create a thread of said type.
Troll complete.
High five frien…wait you don’t have any of those.