Whats ur wow curse?

Just making this thread to vent and hear others who have similar afflictions. For me my wow curse is the fact that classwise i absolutely love playing dhs and wouldve mained one if it wasnt for the fact that u have to play a night elf or blood elf. I love trolls and if they could be dhs i would finally have a main i would stick to.

Its gotten so bad when those harronir where leaked i had more copium flowing through me then the hiddenburg and thought “hmmm i can work with this … dark troll hireek demonhunter full on bat troll rp”

I even came out with a lore explanation. They been fighting the void beings and since illidian in the books did talk about eventually fighting the bigger threat (void) after the legion the remaining illidiari taught the harronir how to be dhs. Since there similar enough to elfs its possible.

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Headless horseman mount. I finally gave up years ago after I couldn’t even fathom a guess at how many attempts.

Also, similar, I like DH, don’t like elves. Shame really. Plus NE just looks terrible in every armor set. I have trouble with druid because I like balance, I don’t like moonkin form, or NE form. I could try Worgen, but they’re hunchbacked basement dwellers… Just have to accept some classes aren’t meant for me.


A wow curse ? Well i dont know maybe cuz i been playing since 2006 and i still play it ?


Hunter is the only DPS class I thoroughly enjoy. I even like the armor sets, despite common sentiment they aren’t great.

I’ve tried others, but I think it’s my love for ranged weapons and weird wildlife that keeps me locked-in.

Monk is my favorite for healing and tanking, and indeed my alt. I love WW monk too, but I can’t stick with it because it ain’t Hunter.

I’ve been spoiled with hundreds of different pets to choose from as well, and who doesn’t enjoy Pokémon?


My WoW curse is that Demon Hunters exist and that makes me ANGY!!1!


Rivendare’s Deathcharger. All told I’ve had fantastic luck with my mount hunting over the years. But that original white whale still eludes me.


I can’t bring myself to leave alts behind. I know it’s consuming too much of my time trying to play them all, but I can’t bring myself to set them aside.

(I’m very curious how warband gear/reps in WW will affect how I play alts)


Ohh i feel for you guys my cursed mount is the mummified raptor mount. I keep track of my attempts and im at 293 rn :pensive:

The highest attempt comment ive seen on wowhead was 273

Im just really unlucky and this is the last 1% mount im ever farming


The mount Midnight’s Eternal Reins from Karazhan.

“…to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”
― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick


Escaping these forums is harder than escaping the game.


One of my WoW curses is that I have people making fun of me for maining a Mechagnome.


That’s not a curse Attimis. That’s just self-inflicted harm.


Arthas won’t give me his horse.


The Blood Elf braided tail is my favorite hairstyle. But it’s frozen in place. Once I’m reminded, I’m aggravated to no end, for alteast 5 minutes. I WANT HAIR PHYSICS!

Same issue with Goblins and their weapon scaling- how the thing balloons in size when it’s in their hand.

Irks the hell outta me.

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That I found the WoW forums


They added hair physics to Second Life and it caused problems. You would go out dancing to a popular spot and all that moving hair would bring the server to it’s knees.

Not sure if that would be the best in WoW.


A bit similar to Marsius…I only have fun playing my Hunter.
Though I don’t enjoy most of their Tier set. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Dwarves have braided tails. Nearly identical to ours. Except their’s moves. So I’m calling shenanigans on ActiveBlizzard.


That’s my prime example for why I say I’m generally very lucky with rare mount farming. I won’t tell you how many (or few) attempts it took because I don’t want to ruin your day. But I hope you get it next time. I’m beaming some of my luck at you through the internet! :purple_heart:

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No idea how long you’ve been on Second life, but that comment took me all the way back to 2007/8, hanging out on one of the Help Islands , zone in and our hair was attached to our behinds!