The Kaldorei never brought the Legion into the world though, that was a specific group of elves which ya’ll descended from no offense. We fought against the high elves so it doesn’t make sense to blame us just because they were also night elves at the time, if anything you should be thanking us for being the first race to push back the legion on our own.
Also they are not mutant ZT, they are mutant Dark Trolls which are now presumed extinct except for one NPC.
See you are wrong about us being mutant Zandalari Trolls we came from dark trolls. And you can clearly see that the highborne are modern day high/blood elves and the ones to blame for summoning the Legion. You can keep arguing for the sake of being right and keep making yourself look silly or you can just admit you were wrong and move on.
We’re still not mutant zandalari trolls, we’re mutant dark trolls who are a different form of troll. The first trolls from zandalar are not the modern Z trolls. My point was that you keep arguing that night elves are at fault for something the high elves did.
I am gonna explain this nice and slow and if you still dont get it, you are amazing…
The Night elves are direct descendants of the Zandalari trolls, The are mutated from the dark trolls, who are mutated from the Zandalari. The Dark trolls mutated because of their absence from the mountain that the zandalri lived on, and became a savage and brutal tribe, then they encounted a great pool of arcane magic, the pool then mutated them and turn them into highborn Night elves. The High born night elves used the pool and probed it’s depths.
Their greatest sorcerer Azshara was contacted through it by sargares. She made a deal with him and lured the burning legion to azeroth. After the war of the ancients the sorcerers of the high born night elves, where either exiled, killed, or went with azshara to the water. The exiled ones went east to a new land where they founded quel’thalas and sun well. The sun well changed them and turned them into high elves, The white skinned elves. there they battled the Amani troll tribe.
Back in Kalimdor, the remaining night elves followed the teaching of Cenarius became druids shunning all forms of arcane magic. The High born that went into the water became the Naga with Azshara and founded Nazjatar.
If bird descended from lizards, but lizard descended from amphibians, who descended from fish, no one calls birds a mutant fish. Night elves are not mutant zandalari, you are ignoring an entire step in their evolution. That’s what you initially said.
You just admitted for the second time, in your own post, that high elves are responsible for the legion coming into our world. Repeating it only makes you look willfully ignorant. This whole conversation started because you said that we, the modern day night elves AKA Kaldorei, are at fault for the Legion coming into the world when you KNOW its the high elves, THE QUEL’DOREI/SIN’DOREI who have since become pale-skinned. Nothing in your post changes that.
Did you know that night elves had this thing called Immortality? That your so called modern day Night elves are in fact not modern at all. Tyrande, Malfurion, and Illidian where all there at the sundering and that Illidian knew of the legion coming through the well?