Whats up with Feasts?

I don’t totally understand what’s going on with feasts these days.

The sites say to use https://www.wowhead.com/item=222720/the-sushi-special that gives secondary stats?

I feel most people would want https://www.wowhead.com/item=222733/feast-of-the-midnight-masquerade for primary stats.

Let me know if anyone knows what’s up with that?
Are secondary stats better now?

it varies class to class. if you look through some classes like rogue will favor the main stat, enhance sham is about equal, and other classes will favor the secondary. All of the sites are also factoring in which is better with the bis gear they recommend so if you’re not maxed out you can just sim which is better.

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The real problem is how much of a pain in the butt it is to get those feasts And compare the mat costs to make those feasts AND my personal favorite, the god-awful secret sauce vs the easy-peasy honeycomb finisher… Cooking is just whack right now whether you are trying to make gold from it or simply trying to make feasts for content.

Cooking is like barely half finished. If you looked into the beta at all they had all of the meals costing versions of lesser meals to combine up to get to the top things meaning you would have a use to craft the lvl 5 salad or w/e. However they apparently completely scrapped this in favor of the most half baked garbage I have ever seen. They have 4 major foods for individual use that vary in THOUSANDS of gold of mats. If you look into it more you will be astonished at how bad it varies. 50 FISH FILETS … OR… … 15 meat patties … for the exact same stats. LMFAO literally half baked as possible.

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I’m not sure the secondary stat feast is worth it. Empress’ Farewell does the same thing, but is so much cheaper. You can easily stock hundreds in the guild bank with ease and just have the raiders eat the food individually.

Midnight Masquerade is good for primary stats, much cheaper than the alternative.

Cooking is really messed up this expansion, there’s so many recipes that just do the same thing but some are absurdly more expensive to make than others.

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Indeed, the only thing I can think of is that Blizz tried to make a system where you have 2 alternate ways to get mats for the “same” feast, you know “to give more options to players” because some people hate fishing but some people like fishing, etc. But unfortunately, it ended up not being successful (for multiple reasons) at least not right now.

I would agree with that, i thought it was a tooltip issue or something.

You know what’s Not a tooltip issue that baffled me? The fact that the Secret Sauce and Honeycomb give the same % increase in multicraft… Yet one is extremely more rare, more difficult, and more costly to get.

Last I looked the cheapest fish were around 30g while Basically Beef was 7 silver. Any recipe that uses meat instead of fish is just going to be so much cheaper.

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Indeed, I don’t think Blizz finished/polished their idea about this issue. Unless they dramatically reduce the number of fish needed for the Divine feast, or increase the meat needed for the Midnight feast. Everybody is always going to buy/make the meat ones.

Part of the problem is fishing is just kind of bad this expansion. You can’t fish in open water to get fish to turn into fillets since even at max fishing skill you still catch mostly grey trash. You have to fly from pool to pool and compete with other players.

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Yea that is definitely annoying. My fishing is at 357 and I will say that fishing in Hallowfall with just the regular water yields me probably 80-90% just fish. You can try there for more fishies.

Your likely right about the change in fishing, that likely put off a lot of players but i think it also really jammed up the bots (which i think is a good thing)

For the people that do fish, it does seem like its a worth while profession. I personally like the fishing changes, with using items from the past expansions, i was able to get 400 skill and fish open waters just fine, and did both the fishing events this weekend.

I guess the only way to fix this would be to somehow allow players to make a hearty feast using both them for some super feast.

I am a retired chef, and I used to really enjoy cooking in wow. Now, I do both quest every week for the feast recipes on numerous alts. Still no feast recipe. I’m maxed out on cooking on all alts, still no recipes every week. But yet some non-cook starts to level his character and gets a recipe at level 72. WHAT BS RNG. I was ok with cooking discoveries like last xpac but this RNG is not thought out very well.

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I am also struggling to get multiple recipes for both cooking and other professions that are random drops. I am routinely playing multiple alts and having the worst run of bad RNG. It is disheartening

i think they just added the Forgotten Folio - Item - World of Warcraft to M+, might help a bit

Thank you for that. Unfortunately I’m looking for stuff from the Spider Pact, Awakening the Machine and the Theater troupe. :frowning:

However it’s good to know there are other options for some things