There is a thread in the bug forums that has been updated as “still bugged” running on 5 years now, could a moderator either delete such threads if it’s clear they are never going to even make the effort to fix them, or actually fix them?
Do something Blizzard, literally anything - except nothing.
Please fix the stuck in combat bug
Yeah the slime cat mount straddle is bugged and lots of achievements from BfA (servant of N’zoth, Conqueror of Azeroth, horde/alliance slayer) are bugged for years now. I think they just don’t care about old bugs anymore.
I’ve been waiting for them to fix the melted armored TBC talbuk mouths since cata. They’ve looked like they got the Neo-mouth-treatment since then and it’s painfully obvious they just band aid’d it and said “gud nuff”.
I had a look at what you were talking about and… are you talking about the exceptionally weird fringe case of a Fated item not working as the non-fated item?
There are some bugs that are honestly just weird and obscure that they aren’t worth addressing
Most bugs, even the “stuck in combat” bug is kinda like that
Because to try to fix them one has to fundamentally understand why they happen in the first place
This is an eternal problem when it comes to game design because at some point, you just have to stop caring about irrelevant bugs (or those that would require a solution that in turn would create more issues)
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the benches at the end of BRD on the left side face the wrong way. players sitting on them will face the wall. been that way since vanilla.
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it’s the “naughty corner”.
working as intended.
Game breaking.
Not even worth logging in while this exists.
I’ll be real with you guys, i work for another AAA gaming company and there’s a category of bugs that are known as KS, because they are minor and non-intrusive.
KS stands for Known Shippable. They are also expecting at the end of a cycle to have a certain number of these issues, if the number is too low (something like sub 100), then for the next cycle they cut into the SE fixing time, therefor could also mean less SE’s get hired for the next cycle.
So… they’re probably in that category, there is no reason to dedicate software engineer fixing hours to such bugs.
Please fix Tomb of Sargeras for the love of god. Sick of Desolate Host bricking my runs.
The Rogue ability Vanish has been broken since closed beta, and will sometimes just flat out not work. Sometimes you fart-cloud and don’t disappear. Sometimes pets just chase you and beat you out of stealth. Sometimes NPC’s chase you and beat you out of stealth. Sometimes you full-out disconnect. Sometimes you actually vanish.
That was 2004. It is still broken to this day.
you’re defending poor quality for any particular reason?
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Slime cat really is never getting fixed
Real shame, because I love that mount.
I am saying it would be poor quality to focus limited resources on bugs 99.99999999999999% of the playing population doesnt even realize exists, especially ones that have no impact on gameplay.
Because writing literally one letter’s worth of code is a better time investment than fixing “Random bench that exists for scenary in a place precisely no one goes there to sit on a bench is aligned in the wrong direction”
The worst part of the stuck in combat that seems simple to fix ( I have no idea, i dont make games) is that you donʻt know what you are in combat with. The game knows, otherwise you wouldnʻt be in combat. It seems like adding a small UI element to list whatever you are in combat with would not be too hard to do. but then again im no game maker.
As someone who is currently maining Rogue in Dragonflight and has Vanish as an essential part of my rotation, I can personally inform you that this ain’t a problem happening
Absolutely the worst bug ever.
Well, we can try to figure out what’s causing it since we know of a few things that fixes it!
So… when does it happen? Well, we know it has to do with the aggro table because anything that drops your aggro to 0 with no other target removes it (vanish, feign death, actual death, hearthstones, etc.), but abilities that allow a NPC to beat on you like Paladin-bubble does nothing
Which means that its effectively impossible to solve
Since if you mess with the aggro table, you mess with literally every single attackable/hostile/neutral/non-fleeing NPC in the entire game
I currently main a rogue in dragonflight but this character of mine, Shadybolt, is a character I have been playing on for a while now prior to Dragonflight as a main and a smol bit as an alt at this point
And I have played around with a the Absolute Corruption, the thing that makes Corruption permanent on mobs - why do I bring up this ability? Because it is one of those abilities that is notorious for screwing up things on aggro tables because it makes it a whole lot more difficult to, in theory, drop aggro
So… how to fix the stuck in combat bug without completely dismantling the entire game and every possible scenario where messing with the aggro table could get messed up is that you seperately address problematic abilities, because trying to treat the source would make everything a whole lot more hellish than merely accepting its existance and treating the symptoms
Mind you, I am not a coder either but just breaking it down to this simple aspect because it has to be something going weird with the aggro table as its the only thing consistant and it being something that every mob can do as every NPC can cause this bug
But… try to imagine messing with literally every single NPC in the entire game just to fix a bug that’s honestly just annoying?
This is why I’m pretty sure this is a bug that’s never going to be addressed; of course I could be wrong when I say this and why it appears but its the only thing I can think of that could cause it and could be something which has been part of the game since its release almost two decades ago at this point