What's to stop boostie boys from just making guilds?

Please no. If I knew how to gif the office michael scott I would.

The thing they’re really targeting here is the visibility. A guild is on one server for the most part, but I’m sure there will be bans handed out if a given guild starts spamming every other realm for boosting services.

I put them in another tab and only go into trade when I want to use it. Trade has always been a mess. Before it was a mess of scam gold sellers. That switched to a mess of boosts.

Make a guild called Boostie Boys.

Nothing. The boosting community just needs to establish guilds on each server. Then advertise that the specific guild is selling the run. Then simply use the discord community to full the raid full of boosters from other servers.

The caveat being that the raid members would have to be in the guild. So… It will be boosting guilds. There will be work arounds.

Boostie Boys remix

That’s actually contextual depending on the game. Some games offer power in loot boxes. Eventually, if you pay enough, you win. P2W that isn’t guaranteed by any specific dollar amount is still P2W in those cases.

Put it on THAT streamers server. You weill be e-famous.

the streamer who lives off free boosts and carries but hey…he didn’t pay for them so all good. its to make content…or some crap like that.

lets hope not. I actually am against anything but a guild doing a auction run where loot goes to the highest bidder. boosting as a whole is terrible for the game and should not be allowed

The same thing that happened if it becomes a large issue.

Have you seen the percentage rates on some of those boxes? You have no real chance. They are a rip off, but somehow still sell.

I have no idea who you’re talking about. Streamers mean nothing to me

That cannot be done because of personal loot.

Exactly this.

The biggest thing that would curb desire for boosts is if they made gearing alts in a reasonable amount of time not absolute cancer, and they are never going to do that.

Sounds like kind of like P2P.

No, I’ve never heard of that boosting. Maybe its because I’ve been soloing 90% of my time since MoP.

I don’t PVP anymore, and I don’t do Mythic unless its soloing previous content alone.

I also turn off my trade chat as soon as I get into a city because its so full of spamming dungeon runs for people’s gold,
and disgusting dialogue from wannabe posers pretending to be certain ethnicities, and use the dialogue in order to troll and get a rise out of people.
But thanks for answering.

Drinking Iced tea I make, from green tea with jasmine flowers, which is the only thing I drink.

Flood the market with gold so it has no value for them.
its mostly worthless right now anyway.

Big orgs are wayyy less likely to take risks for RMT. If someone high up in an org gets banned, the infrastructure can get crippled, the org can no longer pay people out and then goes belly up.

If a guild or M+ team gets caught? Buy new accounts and go again. Not needing the infrastructure that big orgs need to run boosts makes guild/M+ boosting way more resilient to bans. Assuming they will get caught, because policing dozens, if not hundreds more smaller organizations is significantly harder than policing a couple really big ones.

That’s what happened when the guild that did the M Zul boost early in Uldir got caught. A top 10 US guild disappeared off of the face of the earth for a day and then resurfaced with all their members playing characters called “Nametwo”.

You mean exactly what happened in WoD and Legion?

Literally all flooding the economy with gold does is inflate costs and tokens will match them. Kinda crazy to think that I once passed on buying tokens with gold because I thought 30k from 26k was a huge spike.

Well as I understand it, communities can function across an entire region whereas guilds only operate on a server (either single or connected to one or more others). So they would have to form separate guilds on every different server/s and then if they were planning to have carries would have to have a few characters in those guilds to do the chat advertising.

It would then depend how they operated. If they continued to operate in the same way that communities did (or do) then Blizzard would act if and when they were reported by people contacting them.

The blue post on the ruling says:

“This policy update does not restrict individuals or guilds from using the provided in-game tools (“trade channel” chat) to buy or sell in-game items or activities for in-game currency.”

But then it adds:

However, “boosting communities”, especially those who operate across multiple realms, are no longer permitted.

All it has to do is slightly adjust that definition to include guilds that function in the same way as boosting communities. And I dont believe for a moment that they won’t if it becomes obvious that the communities in question are manouvering around the rules in such a way.

Op,they can make a guild but reputation would take awhile to get up to meet it. And in truth, most people on a server already know which guilds do what ,so now even if the guilds this server has is some what questionable I can seek them.