What's this called in HUD Edit Mode? ("You received ...")

When I loot a blue quality or better item, a box pops up front and center that says “You received” and the icon and name of the item.

What’s this called so I can move it? I want to place a different element there that won’t get obscured. It’s tricky trying to experiment by moving different elements in the HUD because I have to go loot something rare to see if I moved the correct thing, and I haven’t been able to figure it out after several attempts.

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HUD Tooltip maybe?

Its the same thing as the Achievement Alert Tracker frame. Achievements, loot, bonus rolls, and a couple other things I forget all use the same frame. You can’t move it without an addon. Edit Mode Expanded can move it.


Thank you so much. I downloaded Edit Mode Expanded, the element is called Achievements. It was painless and did exactly what I wanted.


I did use edit mode expanded and it didnt work for me. the chat box still oepned right on top on my spell bars avoiding me from casting spells.

In WoW, click the ? question mark at bottom right to get the Game Menu, then choose Edit Mode. You have to proactively, manually move the chat box and spell bars so they don’t overlap.

Edit Mode is a great feature, but it’s a bit frustrating that for many players, by default the game is going to be unplayable until it’s manually adjusted in the HUD Edit Mode.

I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to update and say that the element is no longer called Achievements. It’s now called Alerts.

It took me a while to find the box to drag it around cuz it’s an itty bitty little thing and was hiding underneath my other action bars

Thank you very much! I thought I was going crazy because I couldn’t find the Achievements element.