What's the Zaralek Caverns primary activity then?

Tried to login just now, and all the realms are offline. Don’t get my hopes up like that lol… I got a couple pieces myself, and they were all usable at 60 when I logged out 40 minutes ago.

You are probably thinking of the Starless set, which Bliz did slap with a 70 requirement… Let’s just say they were horribly inconsistent with that “hotfix.”

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Yeah I know. It’s wild they put all this development time into open world (even more than raids and dungeons), but then don’t want people playing in those areas most of the time.

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Op… They are probably thinking… "Primary activity is to get x to upgrade y " but you do that by mostly killing rares " yes I know we said we designed these zones based on zereth mortis which was mostly rare farming… But the majority of this new zone having mostly rares means nothing… I swear… " :joy:

So yes. Primary activity is farming rares. :disappointed_relieved:

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The world quests generally in DF seem bad. I might be msiremembering legion, but they updated daily in each zone, I thought. in DF its weekly and the rewards aren’t really that great. I have no desire to max my rep with any of the factions because I don’t care about any of them. In fact i couldn’t care less. Because i don’t care at all.


I loved reading the comments "omgerd… Love dragonflight because I can log on for an hour then play other games for the rest of the week " :joy::joy::joy:


I love Dragonflight because I don’t have to spend an hour doing dailies in the Maw and an hour a week in Torghast just to keep my character competitive

oh this really sucks

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Shadowlands just sucked IMO … Missed potential.

Honestly, the caverns themselves are kinda the only weak point of the patch for me.

They look cool visually, but once you’re past the story content, they don’t really have a ton of meat on their bones. The rares are almost completely pointless once you don’t need drakestones anymore. And the events and world quests don’t really feel very rewarding.

Digs are okay, but they’re hard capped at three a week, and they’re pretty short.

I mean, the patch as a whole isn’t a wash. M+ is pretty good this season with a good dungeon pool, the raid is excellent, and the story content WAS pretty nice.

Just wish there was some more rewarding daily stuff to do, is all.

Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of Shadowlands or BfA, but I will say that BfA still had the best patch this game has ever seen (8.2) :muscle:


play with the little dirt people

If anything bfa had boralus and I enjoyed flying above the water and knocking out quick wqs for some dopamine power.

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Damn straight. Say what you want about BFA, but 8.2 was probably the best mid-expansion patch I’ve ever seen. Two zones, a megadungeon, a good raid, tons of stuff to get on with every day.

Seriously, I can’t hate BFA, just because of how great that patch was.


It does really feel that way.

I get that there were players that did not like player power that affected their mythic+ or whatever being in the open world.
But they got rid of that. That issue was sorted when they removed player power from the world.

At this point the world content is stripped back to basically not even being there so that those players can get cosmetics without having to play in the world.

Im losing faith in blizzard tbh. Im hoping that they will realise that they made an over correction for their AP days and that they will realise how much of a mess they made the world. But i honestly dont know if they will. Not any time soon at least.


I recently made a tier list at work (I was bored and just wanted to rate xpacs personally) and I was gonna put BfA in bad but had to raise it to something like “alright”. 8.2 was brilliant and I honestly enjoyed Horrific Visions in 8.3. The beginning of the expansion was really rough but they picked it up a bit in the end.

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Honestly, I can’t hate it, either. Yeah, the story kinda dribbled away by the end of it, and the gearing was absolute hot garbage from start to finish.

But the raids were fantastic, the dungeons were good, amazing .2 patch, and horrific visions did have their charms.

Kind of a shame that the gearing was so horrifically, undeniably terrible that it kind of shut everything else good out about the expansion.

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Horrific visions were a neat idea. Still hate that I was hesitant to get better… Some of the combos people had with corruption looked fun as heck. I started in legion and got sour to it all so stopped trying to improve. :disappointed_relieved:


That’s back when I was trying to love Havoc DH and I went into arenas and my Twilight Devastation would oneshot people

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I wish they had done something else like Visions or would in the future. I don’t know how we went from that to no rewards in Torghast (except the ash).

I don’t understand them not releasing more dungeons. People do them. They release 8 new dungeons in an expac, only four of those on rotation for that M+ season. Now they put random old dungeons in. Which isn’t bad because it makes content green. But why no new dungeons besides the mega-dungeon?

Seems like with 3, raids, 8 dungeons and open world being restricted, that they’ve cheaped out on everyone.

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