What's the worst part of Dragonflight professions?

Small faction = me being the only crafter they can find who can make this thing at all.

drop rate for any recipe.

all the good stuff that could have been sold in the ah, but BoP decision by blizz.

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Cant say how much of a disappointment i feel when i see my inspiration chance at 47% and fail to get it 4 times.

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I actually like most parts of the new crafting system, but itā€™s driving me absolutely insane that half the recipes are locked behind RNG, rep, or crafting orders. I can barely get past 50 in any professions because I just donā€™t have the recipes, even cooking!

This is 100% true, and we (my guildies and I) were discussing it today.

By this point in any tier/season, the guild bank is generally full of the things we need, and our various members donate regularly and it has always been that way.

All of the flasks (changing it to ā€œphialā€ after 19 years of ā€œflaskā€ was a dumb decision) and runes and stones and enchants and gems and mats are there by this point in the tier, but not this time.

The 1-3-stars system is largely to blame, and the RNG of ā€œstatsā€ that arenā€™t stats but procs means that even our people working hard at their professions cannot provide a consistent quantity of 3-star items big enough for the guild to self-sustain as it always has in previous expansions.

Thatā€™s my role in my guild. Itā€™s my job to clear it out and organize it and keep it structured/orderly/accountable.

I have pretty much no role to fill this expansion because the bank is full of stuff that literally nobody wants like 1-star and 2-star stuff that wonā€™t even move on the AH. Outside of BoE recipes and farmed mats and food/feast ingredients, we canā€™t keep the guild kitted.

No stacks of flasks, no stacks of pre-pots (weā€™ve not had even one cauldron), no BoE gear for alts to get them spun up for alt raids, no stacks of ready enchants for all the guildies to use when they get drops in the raid. Itā€™s jarring, to be honest.

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Thanks for the response. I wanted to note that our guild has two Alchemists and Iā€™m one of them. I went to great efforts to make sure we had cauldrons but despite my efforts weā€™ve only had them for a month now. The other alchemist dropped their first cauldron Saturday night. As your comment illustrates, many of us are seriously behind schedule in Dragonflight due to the new profession system.

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As someone who had to essentially not play for over a month due to personal reasons, and just now starting to get into professions more, this system is horrible, and extremely convoluted, especially for someone ā€˜behindā€™ most othersā€¦ yet it seems like gear upgrades are all over the place, but thereā€™s no kind of catching up with a profession.

Iā€™m practically done before even starting, and I used to go out of my way to collect even weird or rare recipes and stuff since vanilla. Cooking, what should be the simplest profession in the world, seems needlessly complicated with all the extra stuff. Starting a profession late at all just feels hopeless, like why bother at all? From what Iā€™ve tried to learn reading guides and such, it feels like more of a complicated gold sink rather than actually useful unless you put everything and then some into it from day one.

I donā€™t know, this is honestly the first expansion Iā€™ve not wanted to even bother with professions and ā€œneedlessly complicated and convolutedā€ is the only thing I can really say as to why.


Just frustrated by the race to the bottom on the Auction house.
I do think the Orders system is an extraordinary step in a direction to keep the player economy viable by creating a built-in service portal for players.

I simply feel that the economic valuation on the auction house for the crafted goods is probably aligned with demand, but so out of line for the cost of the inputs.
Itā€™s frustrating to spend some time crafting things where thereā€™s some kind of gambit of trying to make up a profit selling the inspired rank 3 goods at a supposed profit of ~150%, when the multitude of normally crafted rank 2 goods are at a decimated value of -90%.
For instance an Arclight Capacitor is essentially an Awakened Order wrapped in a mineral housing. Many tinkers take at least one, but up to 4 awakened of one or more elements. But selling the a finished rank 2 tinker on my server is essentially 100g at best.
Like Engineering was always a bit of ā€œyou are this profession for the fun, not profitā€, but all the professions feel like they are this way if they are making things to be sold at auction.

I suppose the primary saving grace is that price deflation is almost inevitable with current markets, making crafting much less expensive as time continues. Supply of raw most materials just far exceeds demand and is just ending up in backlogs in the hundreds of thousands in some cases. Leather and scales is just a market that has been decimated as farmers and auctioneers are racing prices to what seem to be the graves.

There really needs to be a relief valve to the endless stores of raw materials. I think there arenā€™t enough crafted consumable goods for most professions. Just fun things like enchantingā€™s temporary shoulder enchants would be well received. I enjoy making fireworks on my engineer. I donā€™t mind making optional material gears either. But there are some professions that donā€™t have really anything. Leatherworking could use the stamina patches from SL again. These kinds of things may not solve the problem simply because of how prolific the farming scene is. But it still stands that a good economy makes good use of its trade goods.

To be clear, this is 100% caused by the regional AH and not the new profession system, although the two arrived close together and are in some ways intrinsically linked.

If anything the new system is intended to make up for the problems caused by the regional AH, because by making it all BoP items and work order driven the AH middlemen sucking up all the profit without adding any value are cut out. Unfortunately the reality is never as good as the plan and the middlemen are still very much involved, just elsewhere in the process.

And, because they are somewhat hand-tied by historical expectations of how each profession works, some professions are very much more tied to the AH than others, creating an unpleasant ā€œwell thatā€™s not fairā€ feeling.

Iā€™ve been at 70 for forever. I know I can like get the dragon riding patterns and that should help but even then it feels awful to level.