What's the point of the Void Elves?

Preach I!
and a cold one on me, and one for your pet! :beer::beer:

Maybe that’s their new way of trying to avoid bad lore, by just not writing any at all. It can’t be bad if it’s not there!

I’m on to you now Blizzard!


You mean like Tauren Paladins…???

I agree with you OP, those things would have made sense. :frowning:


Once again, instead of just simply stating that the Horde, needing more paladins in its ranks, opened recruitment up to anyone looking to take up the mantle of paladin and the Tauren answered.


Druids of the sun.

They aren’t even really paladins. LOLOLOLOLOL!


At least they didn’t get their mana and spells by torturing a NAaru for ages

gotta go servers up

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Them being Blood Elves threw me off guard.

I can’t say I care for that either, though I am glad they are. It means high elves being playable is still on the table.

No I said people use INCORRECT lore that we had to CORRECT. Also I love how you are just randomly projecting at me.

How else are they going to play the ‘shades of gray’ card?

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Burning down cities filled with civilians of course!

… Did people not read the chronicles at all, or…? I know people are obsessed with this “Cristian” outlook on the light but it doesn’t apply to WoW lore. Blizzard has literally said that the light is about willpower. I know people obsess over their religious headcanon but that’s literally fanfiction. Sorry you can’t just be a boring human paladin. Like every other ounce of magic, the light is just another primordial force. It’s been said in the past and is in chronicle.

This whole “light is pure and the only force of good” nonsense is a bunch of Mary sue crap.

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We have Loa Paladins using light abilities through channeling loa powers and a few of these nerds are seriously saying a race that was in WoW before the Belfs, and still existed after the Belfs became a race in WC3 doesn’t make sense to be a playable race because all of the sudden “ThE OnLy HiGh ElVeS aRe On ThE HoRdE, We AlReAdy HaVe ThEm!”

The sheer amount of times this has been repeated is insanity. It isn’t even intelligent.


Aren’t Velfs the most played allied race?

Sadly yes. :expressionless:

Nothing but elves and humans on RP servers now.

Dude i got some flak for stating my LFD chose to Lightforge solely for the power.

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So then I think it’s fair to say they’re wildly successful (but detrimental to RPers appears)

Having an emo race is good. We just need more lore.

Their backstory revolves around Alleria being too stupid to know that taking a bath in a sacred, light-infused pool while being a host to a great void creature might not be a great idea.

The fact Lor’themar only exiled her instead of having her killed should be considered a huge favor, given the circumstances.

Anyone stating they’re a failure is just shoving their head into the sand. They need a lot more involvement in the story, i think that’s a fair complaint.

If Blizzard had released Void Elves as a core race with a starting zone and back story, laced with an eye on the events on Argus, they could have answered all of these questions and built an entire lore backstory for the Void Elves.

But… lazy gated content is lazy gated content.