Whats the point of the Sparks quest now?

Previously completing this quest would let you upgrade your bloody token gear with Trophy of Strive. I don’t see that as a option anymore. So what is the point of doing this quest ? Especially when honor gear drops next week ?

The same as last season, although now we buy the upgraded gear directly from Malicia.

Gotcha. But her inventory seems empty right now. Is this getting released next week as well ?

thx very much !

SO we farmed all the wpvp gear for nothing this week… isnt even needed for the epic versions… FML what a waste… those 2000 bloody tokens could have been used for the epic versions, blizz screw you for now telling us this shyt in advance… !!!
Back to Wrath, !!!

and honor has no purpsoe after this week, the demise of pvp incoming soon… emo carebear game…

That was already a bit of an oddball decision considering you’d only really need 1 piece to upgrade and could just wait for the world quest (or daily air drop).

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The irony on this comment


Which is why a lot of people said it wasn’t worth it lmao

Yeah that’s why everyone has been making fun of you all week


Oh no! You’ll never get that 30 minutes back!

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You mean they did WPVP… and all they got from it was a lousy T-Shirt?!


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“I can’t believe I wasted all this time PvPing! Now I’ll have to PvP again next week just to PvP better the week after that!”

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No, YOU did all week.


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What a tragedy!

:cry: :violin:

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It was if it was gearing for the sake of gearing and not making use of it. Like, if you wanted to play and not be at a notable ilev disadvantage for 7 days then you’d sit down for 1.5-3 hours to farm out the tokens.

It was either that, be 20 ilevs down vs a lot of people or just chill for a week.

All these options were reasonable in their own way. :dracthyr_heart:

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You can also collect it for mog purposes. :sunglasses:

Some of the new sets do look quite good, and there’s not much else to be doing.

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its been fun out there.