What's the point of PvP Gear if PvE gear will just do better?

Like Jalen said above it was already even in competitive PvP in both MoP and WoD. PvP gear was BiS and by the middle of the season everyone had the same gear anyway, aside from late alts. The playing field in the competitive aspects was completely even.

WoD gear was basically templates above 1300 rating where literally everyone had the same level of gear.

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You would think a game called World of WARcraft would recognize PvP eh? Kinda like how BFA was hyped up to be about faction conflict, but got almost nothing regarding PvP.

Anyway you’re wrong. A player doing more PvE end game content will be stronger than someone who is doing both end game PvE and PvP end game content.

This is because if you are not farming PvE content you’re behind. If you’re PvPing you’re not farming your Cut with gushing. Or revitalizing healing totem. Or Bile tusk. Or mechagon bracers. Or Mechagon rings.

I can keep going, but the best example would be to watch vods of Method Black going vs. this one ret/war team. The ret is fully decked out, and is doing close to 50k dps WHILE getting kited.

This is the Blizzcon champions, who also clear mythic btw, getting farmed by some Mythic PvE god squad.

Gearing needs to go back previous expansions. If you are rocking PvE gear, you pump, but if you are rocking PvP gear, you take less damage.

PvP needs to be about skill, not whoever killed an AI who is programmed to be beatable the most. Templates were so close, if only they allowed us to customize our stats.

PvP gear =/= PvE gear or at least it should be that way.

MoP was the best balance if my memory serves (disregarding resilience because that was a dumb stat). I don’t want to do Mythics for PvP gear, I want to PvP for it.

All the people who say otherwise probably don’t PvP that much because PvP gear was never good for raids.

This isn’t Street Fighter V, it’s not an arcade fighting game. It is an MMO that has had gear progress as part of it since day one. It people wanted gear to not matter, then Guild Wars II wouldn’t be a second tier PvP MMO.

Ah… the time where a well pvp geared resto druids are essential immortal to a group of 5 bg pugs.

Hot up and dance in the enemy flag room in wsg.

I was one of those spaming aimed shot at one. Along with 4 other people and that night elf just won’t die.

its world of warcraft cuz wpvp was first and i guess what the devs said is wrong. Players doing more content will be stronger.

And that’s wrong. Players doing more content (in their own content) should be stronger (in their own content).

I understand that it’s a game, but it makes no sense. Both skill sets for PvP and PvE are both different, but you are basically only rewarding those who mostly focus on PvE.

Like what is learning how to do my rotation and moving out of stuff gonna do for me in PvP? There is no set dps rotation in PvP.

Honestly I’m hoping it won’t matter as much in Shadowlands. If PvP vendors are like how they were in the past, PvPers will be able to get “BiS” purely through PvP.
It doesn’t matter if it might take longer than someone who PvEs, but as long as they do vendors justice then it doesn’t matter to us PvPers.

Then tell that to the devs. And the name of WoW is more related to wpvp. Not instances formats.

We all want PvP power back. Everyone except Blizzard, because they want pvp to be a buring trash heap.

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Uh… PvPers have been telling that to the devs. Since BFA started. Nobody but PvErs likes the current system.

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Nah uh no way. You think so?

Since the start of Legion lol.

Amen brother. Really wish PvP stats would return to make PvE and PvP gear distinct instead of the boring homogenization we currently have.

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Pvp power was horrible. The game has favored raiders and now mythic plus people for pvp since the end of WoD. Where pvers were mad they had to do ashran to get the best catch up gear.

Casuals are screwed in there own content in bgs because lack of balance between those that do rated or pve content.

Legion had a great system held back by the character specific honor system.

It really just needed secondary stat sliders for the templates and honor talents unlocked by default and it would have been fine. I’d take that over even WoD gearing tbh. And definitely over the monstrosity that is the current system.

I would have liked allocating secondary stats with the templates. That would have been a good compromise. I didn’t have time to pvp much to get those artifact appearances (Since they were going to be removed). I wish I had more time in Legion to pvp I missed out on the system and wish they had the accountwide honor system.

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Just gonna put this up again before rolling my eyes and exiting.

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So basically nothings changed? lol

  1. during the time that PvP Power existed the scaling difference between full Conquest gear and full Honor gear was noticeable but not extreme. Also in the extremely casual PvP content, ie random battlegrounds, Glad tier PvPers werent common, they didnt waste their time with that. The actual experience for casuals in PvP was pretty good.
  2. Getting a full set of Honor gear was quite easy (a few days at most), and while Rated players got conquest gear faster, casual players could be conquest geared in a reasonable amount of time, and by that time a lot of Rated players would have already acquired their seasonal rating achieve and quit until next patch.
  3. Legion templates were terrible, because in addition to normal blizzard balance issues, players couldnt even mitigate problems by picking their own stats. Reforging was far superior.

I wonder if you even played when PvP power existed. It was extremely casual friendly, and the only people who missed out were Raiders who wanted to be able to roflstomp without knowing what they’re doing.