What's the point of public crafting orders if it is unused 98% of the time?

i’m sure there’s a good reason why we can’t select a minimum quality for public crafting orders (after all there is a system for it in place in NPC orders) but Blizz in their infinite wisdom decided “nah, we prefer players barking in trade chat for that good 'ol MMO nostalgia feeling”


How else are were going to make millions if not scamming tailors into making bags at below market value for us to resell?

Could possibly that some might still not know how it works.

Myself included. :raised_hand:

Like honestly, i always thought you just put in the order you want something to be made for you, and they go and do it…


It is an overcomplicated system, and far from what players actually wanted back then.

Matter of fact, the same can be said about professions in general. The rework only aggravated the point of entry for new people, and heavily benefits goblins.

It is now a hindrance to have alts with all professions as opposed to an advantage unless you are putting in tons of hours and gold. More so than before.


As much i like the addition of Profession talent trees, it did complicated things esp with the slow drip feed of Profession Points.


That is what happens…

The problem occurs when you want a specific quality since there is no guarantee of what you’ll get.

You can set a specific quality in personal orders vs. You cant in public ones

It’s not useful if you care about quality. It’s great if you don’t care about quality (either you’re fine with a R1 item or the item has no ranks like enchanted crests).


Why don’t people do public orders for stuff that doesn’t require diamond level? I would if I cared about completing more game chores.

Yep you right about the time. My father in law retired and just does professions all day, everything covered by alts, extremely time heavy but he doesn’t seem to mind. He just sits on a mountain of gold…like a dragon.

Most people can not do that even if they had the time

Every first craft I have done since the system came out with DF I have done via a public order. I only find a specialist if I’m trying to bedazzle it with the highest ilvl possible, which I still do with the original public order item.

Almost every public order I do the person gets max rank.

I really don’t understand why either.

A trade system where the seller can define the product after the transaction is made wont work.

Like if a car dealer could sell you a car and then tell you there’s no tires or engine after the fact.

So what reason was so important that they had to make a system that wont work? It’s really mind boggling why they stuck to their guns on this one.

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yeah don’t understand why this is even a thing I’ve only been using public for things that cant be bricked by unskilled crafters because they dont have ranks

Use public orders for things that aren’t quality-specific.

Enchanting Crests. Treatises. PvP gear. Bags. The fishing line.