I achieved KSH on my Mistweaver Monk and recently KSM on my Paladin as a tank. Not sure i want to take them further than that.
Now, I’m considering a 2nd alt and want to stick with classes that can fulfill all roles. I read that Feral has trouble getting invites and Resto is weak—how about Balance and Guardian? I don’t mind playing another tank or healer if they’re fun too.
I play Boomie, Feral, and Guardian and haven’t had any issues getting into groups on any of them.
Given that I’m a tank main: So Guardian gets first pick
After tanks, I prefer melee specs: So Feral gets second pick
Boomie is still fun and can put up some insane AoE numbers (I like Keeper of the Grove over EC)
It’s an alt so try them all. Right now mine is Balance/Feral, played equally. I use the same trinkets but I swap out my weapon (int/agi) and leg armor (enchant). I was Resto at the start of the xpac and Guardian in DF. Possibly maining this alt in 11.1
There have been times when none of the specs felt as much fun as their pure (non hybrid) class equivelents. That’s when i play rogue or mage or whatever.
Right now druid is incredibly fun for me but mostly based on potential, and because its easier to change specs when I’m bored and tweak some gear then start over with a different class.
If you aren’t drawn to a particular spec already, and/or don’t want to flex between them, it might not be a fun alt for you regardless of spec.
I main tank and of my tanks I like my bear the most. The gameplay is fast and not overly complicated. It’s a durable tank who can take a solid hit, but has good self healing and group utility. And the fantasy of shifting forms to sprint or fly, shift back to dot up the bad guy, then full bear to just go berserk (incarn). It just feels good.
There are rough edges and the other specs have challenges. Resto is not in a good place and feral never has been. Balance is ok (although not my thing).
The class tree is headed for a rework in the next patch that looks like it’s moving in the right direction and hero talents are ok. Elune’s Chosen get’s the job done. Druid of the Claw feels better (more fun), but doesn’t do the same numbers and is hard to justify (imho).
Resto Druid doesn’t feel weak to me at the moment. It pumps in the raid.
I guess people mean it’s weak in M+? If you look at Archon it has Pres and Holy Priest below it in M+, both of which are squishier than Druid.
I find cat weaving really fun. I like the skill expression of Druid. People can easily tell you’re good. I also like Wildstalker for that reason.
Also R Druid is broken in Delves. I thought Disc was good. Nah, R Druid you can sit in Cat the entire time because of the Dream of Cenarius talent.
Also for some reason roots acts as a polymorph in Delves. You can root something and stay out of combat. So you have like 4 different CCs between incap roar and cyclone, 2 different sprints, a kick, stealth, can go Bear while Brann kills, it’s pretty dreamy.
I haven’t started keys yet but I got most of the portals on it in DF. Nothing has changed other than there’s less button presses and Grove Guardians are weaker.
It has 5 dots for DPS, but honestly they aren’t that difficult as they last pretty long. I don’t even take Thrash or Sunfire so that’s moot. I’d rather have the Cat and Bear talents than have 5 dots.
Also that new Floodgate dungeon is gonna have a crap ton of movement. R Druid is gonna be really comfortable in there.
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