What's the meaning of your toons name?

Mine was too, sorta, I added an ‘e’. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My leg told me this was my name. I tried to argue, but, Mr. Duffy refused to listen. So, here we are.

I’m really bad to come up with names so this one, as my very first character and still my main had to be special. But after giving up to think of something cool I just Mixed “Night” because he’s a Night Elf and “Lighter” from Whitelighters from a TV show I used to watched called Charmed. He’s after all a Night Elf Balance Druid so that name represents the shining stars in the night.

I typically don’t have meanings for toon names, however, I did name my Undead Warrior Wurmfuud as I believed that was the last word he heard before dying.

“Jackal of Stormwind”, a legacy title.

The jackal is a lesser canine predator, particularly an opportunistic predator. They don’t really run in packs like wolves, nor are they like the big cats. I believe that suited my solo WPvP play quite well as a pleb. I’m not the biggest predator around, “but I survive”. Jackals are also crepuscular, but ironically I’m more of a nocturnal WPvPer…

Jackals are also known to reside in places that are desolate. As of currently and since 9.2.5., Stormwind City has been a ghost town. So to be a jackal of a city is more telling of the city itself: without an inhabitant. Nobody really hang around in SW City on Retail anymore(but Classic is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY).

According to the Wikipedia article on jackals:

It is frequently used as a literary device to illustrate desolation, loneliness, and abandonment, with reference to its habit of living in the ruins of former cities and other areas abandoned by humans

I kept playing WoW during its popular decline. I made it mine in the times when people moved on and left WoW behind for “greener pastures” as it were.

So in a way, my name has meaning as a commentary of the status quo of WoW itself and its community. Who plays WoW anymore, much less hang around in Stormwind City? Voila. But I am on Classic atm so I’m not going to be using THIS name over there, of course…

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Mine is a tribute to Goffard Gaffgarion, a Dark Knight from the Final Fantasy Tactics video game on PlayStation 1.

I also got other characters with names from other characters from other video games (That just rolls off the tongue now don’t it?)

Such as Whitestrake from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (Pelinal Whitestrake)

Gavlan from Dark Souls II (Gavlan wheel, Gavlan deal)

and more.

Gaelic for “Dream”


My character’s name is Latin for “very nice person.”

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Tactical espionage action.



Name of a dragon wizard from my Warhammer army.

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IIRC it actually means “Morning Star”

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She’s Floyd and she loves some good old 70s funk to get down to.

That or she smells bad.

Really depends on what kind of day She’s having.

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Mine comes from my enjoyment of the old Spyro games :dracthyr_nod:

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I’m just me. I’m You.

Jack of Spades, or Jack of Blades.

Loved the Pun off tarot cards.

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Asheru Swiftwind would be my characters full name if we could have surnames. Its a name I have been using for my OC for over 22 years now. She was made to be a Werewolf druid for a D&D campaign and evolved into her own character over the years. In that game she lost the ability to take human form and I never looked back other than to make her a permanent wolf character.


Originally, it was to be Polymorphic and since I’m a alchemist and played a fire mage at first i shorten it to Pyromor since there were all those pyros.

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My warrior is named Pizzadahutt after the character in Spaceballs. I needed a name for this toon once I hit 55 on my warrior and could create a DK (that was the requirement back in the day when I made this toon, although the level requirement has long since been removed). I went with a play on the fact that the Spaceballs caracter is named after a fast food restaurant.

My monk Pastathehutt is a play on Spaceballs. It was an idea I came up with for a relative of Pizza the Hutt. Both are Italian foods.


LOL. Funny.

My inner nerd will not be silenced, so for the record, Lucifer literally means light bringer.

It can also refer to chemicals (luciferin) that produce light as in fireflies.


it sounded cool when i had these drop