What's the 'Green Crown' thingy on threads?

I’m sorry I must be a Neandrethal? Sorry if there are any of those left in our society (I don’t think there are…but just in case) What are the ‘Green Crowns’ yes I know beside playing wow, and keeping myself abreast of all the 'ethics, rules, pronoun thingy’s, and … )
What is this Green crown thingy? Please.

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CS-MPV posts. :slight_smile:

(CS = Customer Service? I think!)

Ok… ty. Appreciate the input.

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Just indicates that an MVP has posted in the thread. Not necessarily one of the CS MVPs, just any MVP.

Edit - Or maybe it is just for CS MVPs. Weird.

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NOW this is FUNNY! … LOVE IT! capital letters are only for emphasis!

Couldn’t just mouse over it and see its a CS MVP thing?

Hmm… I didn’t even know that was a thing. I guess I need to go to that university too. Gee… thanks for the shaming.
And thinking about that?.. so what? … it is a link? so why is there all the sudden a crown? Just asking?