So I dusted off my old elemental shaman, clicked the “you ain’t played this toon since multiple stat squishes ago bro, here’s some green gear that doesn’t suck” button, and now I’m zapping some target dummies to relearn all the proc interplay.
Anytime I’m playing a spec that I’m no longer familiar with, I turn on this small utility addon:
The downside of the builtin Spell Alerts is that for new players, there's no easy way to tell which flashy thing in the middle of the screen corresponds to which flashy button on their action bars, especially when their talents are proccing often in a short period.
What Just Procced is a training helper for the builtin alerts. When a spell alert is shown, it will print the name (and link if possible) that procced the alert, along with where in the HUD the alert is displayed.
I turn that on, begin flailing at dummies, and get a bunch of
[Lava Surge] at position 9.
[Lava Surge] at position 9.
as expected (9 used to be “left + right” until DF/TWW broke it), but once in a while I get a hazy spell alert in the middle top position, and see
[Fulmination!] at position 3.
where 3 is what’s now printed instead of “top”.
Annoyingly, the spell link doesn’t have any text in the tooltip when clicked; it’s literally the same as So… what is this thing?
- There don’t seem to be any particular buff effects at the time.
- Nothing special is showing up in the combat log.
- The spell alert goes away within a couple of seconds without my doing anything extra.
- I don’t believe any of the spell buttons get the shiny border effect, but it goes away so quickly I haven’t had a chance to investigate closely.
I have a vague memory from the last time I played this toon that Lightning Shield used to build up charges, and then there would be this Fulmination! proc, at which point we would… yell FROST SHAWK? It’s been a while.
This sounds like an add on issue?
What Just Procced was last updated in 2016.
It still works just fine though, barring the change to the “position” string/numbers. All it’s doing is triggering off the SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_SHOW event, and displaying the spell ID sent with the event. (I’m looking at the addon source now, it’s like 20 lines of actual Lua code once you get past all the localization. There’s nothing class- or spell-specific in there.)
The game is sending that event with the Fulmination! spell ID, else there’d be nothing to trigger off of.
Besides, something is still triggering the spell alert at the middle-top position. Addons generally react to the game alerts, they don’t cause them.
you have an add on that hasn’t been updated in nearly a decade telling you a spell effect that hasn’t been used in nearly a decade is activated.
dunno what to say
I’ve disabled the addon to make you happy, lol. The spell effect is still triggering. Still appears on the screen, still goes away a few seconds later. I think you’re getting distracted by an addon that doesn’t change.
Here’s the addon code:
local on = false
function addon:OnInitialize()
self:RegisterChatCommand("wjp", "ToggleEnable")
self.OnInitialize = nil
function addon:ToggleEnable()
on = not on
if on then
self:Print(on and L["Activated"] or L["Deactivated"])
function addon:SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_SHOW(_,spellID,_,positions)
local spell = C_Spell.GetSpellLink(spellID) or C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(spellID) or spellID
self:Printf(L["%s at position %s."], spell, positions)
Do you see there’s nothing spell-specific there? It’s been working just fine all these years, that’s why the author doesn’t need to update it.
I am not sure what you are talking about when you reference a spell effect still triggering on screen when the add on is disabled. A spell effect that afaik was removed from the game nearly 8 years ago?