Whats the first thing you're gonna do once 8.1.5 launches?

Damn. I wanted a wifey to do wifey things for me for once. Ah well!

As for OP’s question, I’ll be levelling my new shaman as usual.

can hati be your only pet if you unlock it? because i have no interest using more than one pet.

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Well its a Tuesday. So my first thing will be being disappointed by my weekly chest.


Yeah. Hati will work like any other Hunter pet once you tame him. He isn’t attached to the weapon this time.


that’s… sweet.

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I’ll be at work of course, but in my downtime I’ll be reading the blazing inferno that will be the GD forum.


What’s the appeal of that game?

Almost exactly the same thing, except just unlocking Zandalari, and then doing my race change, then name change, and THEN doing my hunters quest for my beloved missing pet.

Then logging out, unless theres some kind of gear obtainable without having to raid or do M+'s to get past my 390 ilvl.

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That game’s devs actually work to improve it AND are respectful and mindful of whence come their salaries.
Sips some tea


Hold fire sales on the AH.
Continue moving money to bnet accounts.
Look at all the new Zandas.
Watch the forums return 404 errors.

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Have they considered making it fun?


Emissary and Assault. Then run raids in Mists of Pandaria for battle pets. Don’t think there is any new BFA content for Alliance.

Except your knaifu is going to N’Zoth then Sylvannas.

what the heck is a knaifu???

Combo of:

• Knife
• Waifu (https://www.yourdictionary.com/waifu)

ah so that’s what all the anti-sylvanas jaina fanboys are on about.

Start tanking on my HMT warrior. First time committing to going Horde all the way to 120, but I figured I gotta save some lowbies from the innundation of bad Zandalari noob tanks that are going to flood into the dungeons like locust…

Don’t worry, there is hope!

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Who knows?

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Check my weekly M+ chest.

It is, tho?

What do you not like about it?