By the way, if you have any alts who have also reached the point where they can see the dailies in BfA, you can repeat the request on any of your alts and get the reward again. So, if you get the blue stone, go back on an alt, and get it again. Get it as many times as you have alts.
ETA: It occurs to me that there is something else you could be doing. There is a pet that you can get that will take down just about anything. It might take a while. But if you’ve tried everything else and you want something that has a chance at working, go and capture three P/P Emperor Crabs. You’ll find them in Pandaria.
Which is as good a time as any to talk about breeds.
Every pet has a specific breed. What this means is, every pet has a set of baseline statistics, then there are additional points added over its Health, Power and Speed.
Not every pet comes in every single breed. In fact, very few of them do. Some pets have only one breed. Your Anubisath Idol only comes in one breed: H/H. What this means is, he has of his three baseline stats, Health, Power and Speed, all his bonus points were put into his Health. Power and Speed were untouched.
Your Ikky only comes in one breed: P/S. Which means 45% of his points are put into his Power, and 45% are put into his Speed. His health is untouched.
Now you may be thinking that that’s only 90% of his total point allotment, so what happened to the other 10%? When it’s distributed over two stats, each stat only gets 45% of the total allotment.
Your Darkmoon Tonk only comes in one breed. H/P, which means 45% goes into health, and 45% goes into his power.
Then there are breeds in which one stat is emphasized, and the remaining points are shared over the other two stats. For instance, H/B, P/B and S/B. The B stands for Balance. The emphasized stat gets 45% of the points, and the other two get 20% each. Yes, that’s only 85% of the allotted total.
But the more spread the stat distribution is, the fewer extra points you get.
Finally, there is B/B, in which all three stats get the same number of added points, 25% each. Yes, that’s only 75%.
The reason I mention this is that Emperor Crabs come in two breeds: H/H and P/P. Most here would recommend the P/P over the H/H, because Power not only determines how hard the pet strikes, but how strong its healing is.
The Emperor Crab can take down almost anything. The problem is that it might be very slow going. The reason for this is that you have to maintain two effects while you attack.
Use Surge, Renewing Mists, and Shell Shield. Maintain Renewing Mists (last 3 turns) and Shell Shield (lasts 5 turns) and strike with Surge when you can. Shell Shield mitigates the damage and Renewing Mists heals you.
When all else fails, an Emperor Crab might be what you need.
Finally, how do you tell what breed you have? Compare the stats on your Emperor Crab, when you catch one, to this graphic on WoWhead. Because the crabs you catch will be dropped down to 22 or 23 in level, you can adjust the slider for the level, and select whether the one you caught was poor, common, uncommon or rare. Then compare the stats to the two breeds available, and you’ll know what breed you have. Release the H/H and keep the P/P.
There is very little that could stand up to three P/P Emperor Crabs. The fight might take a while, but it gets the job done.