What's the deal with Nourish?

is it?..


Yes, it is.

You’ve linked a +17 key where it was 30% of the healers healing done. You’re doing +2’s - let’s be real here.

The more difficult the content, the more regrowth spam and drinking required. That healer is doing very well to keep people up in a +17 this early in the expac/season. You and I both know that when pushing the limits like that, a lot more regrowth spam than usual will be required.

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From my last +10 dungeon I had

Details!: Drekor - Healing Done for Theater of Pain +10 (overall)

  1. Regrowth: 1.68M (28.2%)
  2. Rejuvenation: 931K (15.6%)
  3. Wild Growth: 925K (15.5%)
  4. Lifebloom: 437K (7.3%)
  5. Efflorescence: 357K (6.0%)

Sometimes you have to spam regrowth. Grievous is one of those things that forces it. While some healers are less mobile (Priests) some have even less need to stand still than us. Namely paladins, although they do need to be in melee so that is a potential downside. Shamans also have a bunch of instant cast abilities, like riptide which makes rejuv look like a joke, cloudburst totem, chain lightnining/heal spam with legendary, unleash life, and primordial wave.

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Ok… is a 5 more to your liking?


maybe a 10?


Yup. I havent had a chance to play much.

Looks like you finished S4 @ 1800. (1,300 as healer)

“LeTs bE ReAl hErE”

False. With Dark Titan I can remain in Moonkin form the entire run and only cast lifebloom/regrowth. Iv healed entire dungeons with just those 2 spells. Just for the luls.

Define majority for me.

With the amount of damage that goes out in pugs I find CW useless compared to abundance.

It’s a grievous week if those logs are from that, haven’t bothered looking, but sure ok i’ll give you that. I may have been thinking of rejuv anyway, I haven’t done keys as rdruid yet in SL, so it’s been a few weeks. Woop-dee-do it’s 25% or 28% instead of 20%, the point still stands.

I made this character for SL, a couple of weeks before it came out. Would you really like a junk measuring competition? Happy to log other toons that exceed your best scores. I’ll even log to some non-meta ones that still exceed what you achieved on the most OP healing spec in BFA. Just let me know.

Try doing your moonkin healing strategy in anything relevant. Again, you’re picking edge cases to try and make weird points.

A majority is anything over 50%. Maybe i’m stretching the definition a bit by saying vast. But I certainly feel like I almost never need to stand still when I play resto. It’s not a spec where you’re cursing mechanics because you have to move and can only do very limited healing while doing so.

You clearly didnt.

5 is bursting
10 bursting volcanic
Only the 17 was griev, but… you wont accept it.

I mean.
You started it…

which makes this next comment even more hilarious for me!

Glass houses.

You posted incorrect information
I corrected you with logs to back it.
You got your panties in a bunch and are now making personal attacks with no ground to stand on.

No one cares.

I will. Ill be grouped with competent players who dont eat fire and ill likely spend my time dpsing, just as i did in BFA. Game is hard!

Objectivly false.

Youre not quite wrong, Its been proven that in heavy damage scenarios, Abundance can certainly pull ahead of CW.

Useless isnt the word I would use to describe CW though.

Short answer: you don’t want to measure up, and the “game is easy” when the best you can do is 2k with S4 corruptions.


Lmao… look at this guy lookin for a fight.

It’s amazing the efforts people go through to avoid admitting they were wrong.

  • Resto druids do most of their healing from instant casts and have very little or no issues maintaining high throughput in dungeons on movement intensive fights. Fact.

  • Regrowth is more healing across a dungeon run than 20%, I was incorrect about the %. As i’ve already stated. It’s a whopping 25-28% with cherry picked logs. Fact.

  • You are absolutely terrible at the game and are doing +2’s. You think 2k is good and means the game is easy in a season where we’ve literally never had so much borrowed power. Fact.

Did I miss anything?

First part is correct, a lot of our heals are instant or pasive. True.
Thats quite a different statement from that you said before, though.
Youre shifting goal posts.

Allow me to refresh your memory.

what i’m getting at is the vast majority of rdruids healing is from instant casts.

Simply untrue.

From the logs I showed you, casted heals (tranq,wildgrowth,rewgrowth)accounted for well over 40% and up. That makes your comment false. FACT

While we certainly have it easier than most, to claim that druids have “little or no issues” is objectively false.

No argument here.

Youre leaving out other casted spells, as pointed out above.
Whos cherry picking now?


Why u mad, bro?

It’s garbage and a wasted talent.

Little or no issues compared to other healers.

Again, majority of heals are from instant casts.

Again, enjoy your +2’s. If you put the same effort into playing the game as pretending to know what you’re doing, you might’ve cleared some more +3’s or gasp some more +4’s.

Again? As in…
Shifting goal posts again?
Majority of heals =/= healing done.

I’m putting my effort into spending this holiday season with my wife and children.
Playing a video game can wait.

Priority’s my friend. One day you’ll understand that.

You chose a weird hill to die on, but ok.

I’m doing the same, and that does not = spending so much time nitpicking tiny parts of quickly put together posts.

Let’s see how you go after the holidays, noob.

At the end of the day, Nourish cannot compare with the TDE in this thread.

Therein lies the problem.

Maybe spend more time putting your thoughts together and less time thumping your chest.

It’s not a race bro.

Pssst you know we can see the content you’ve done to right? Aka none as a healer? Maybe try doing some +10’s as a healer and come back when you know what you’re talking about.

Why are people shaming what Mythic + others are doing.