What's the deal with Myzrael?

Myzrael is an original Classic realm. It has never had a queue. It has never been a source or destination realm for free transfers and it wasn’t consolidated back in August despite being a “low” pop realm.

How exactly has this happened? How did this one server manage to avoid all these server issues that so many people have had problems with?


Myrael is awesome! I love it here. I highly suggest rolling here.

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I find it funny that low pop realms like Myzrael and Earthfury exist, and they didn’t get consolidated but yet Blizzard opens up a whole new fresh realm, Eranikus, to transfer to.

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The “get a mount in retail by leveling a dk” probably has a little to do with it.

I found it funny too. But ultimately its for the best because we dont want Myzrael to turn into a new megaserver like the new free transfer destination servers have become. Us Myzraelians enjoy a server that feels more like a community. Its the perfect size.

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You could say the same for Bloodsail Buccaneers, which had a consistent healthy Alliance pop from vanilla launch to today.

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