Hi all, once again while working on an open invitation I had a realization of something that Blizzard has not directly answered as far as I could find, nor would they likely be answering any time soon. What is the nature of Citizenship in Warcraft, especially for those whose country is destroyed? Now I know there are some guilds on the server who handle the idea of changing citizenships or ruling their own nations, but I’m curious about where the official Lore the Blizzard has put out falls on the matter. Specifically on the nature of Nationality changing or gaining a nationality after never having one.
While obviously Of course this stems from a more selfish place so I won’t hide the fact and use my own question as an example of dealing with the fact that whole kingdoms have been founded and then lost/destroyed in the lifetime of some characters.
Bel here was born out of wedlock in Theramore shortly after the city-kingdom’s founding. Her father being a Lordaeronian before sailing west with Jaina to found Theramore and her mother being an elf who left Bel to be raised with humans. At this point it is fairly clear that Bel is Theramoric (Theramorese, Theramoran?), but then in her early childhood Theramore is destroyed and she is evacuated to Tanaris and assumedly Gadgetzan as the only major port in that region. Here she meets a Pandaren Monk who takes the child into her care and travels Azeroth until reaching the modern day.
At this point in the timeline; where Theramore has been destroyed for longer than it existed, Jaina now as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, and the Alliance has opened their doors to so many various nations what would Bel’s nationality be considered? Is Theramore still recognized as a state by the world factions, is she considered Kul Tiran since her former leader now leads that faction, is she just a stateless “Citizen of the Alliance”, or is she considered a Lordaeronian by way of Bloodline even though she’s never resided there long term?
Another example of this being the nature of the Dracthyr being a faction that never had a nation of their own. Are they now just considered stateless citizens of their current faction, as citizens of Valdrakken, or just as “dragons” who operate outside of the scope of nationality.