What's the deal with "bots"?

I have been seeing a lot of dwarf hunters running around with boars that have Chinese names for the pet. I did a little chatting in general chat and it seems these chumps randomly invite you to group, set it to FFA, and loot your stuff. Now… I only group with friends so it was declined but it begs the question;

If all these dwarf hunters are running about with Chinese named boars… why is there a botting problem?

I haven’t followed any of them around to understand their pathing or bot behavior so I can’t super-confirm this is the case but I’m curious all the same.

Edit: Well, since I’ve started reporting them I’ve been getting little notices from Blizzard about doing my part to keep Azeroth a better place for all players. :thinking:

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they’re bots. just report them and move on. kill them if they are opposing faction.

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I wish I could… I have to target them to report them. I got an invite from some random 5 letter named Dwarf but the person was nowhere to be seen. Is there another way to report them?