What's the class color for Evoker?

Anyone played beta and know what Evoker class color is? I think there’s obvious colors that we don’t have room for more shades of like blue, green, and purple, but those also seem like good thematic picks for Evoker. I’m thinking the only options left would be like a gold, silver, or shade of brown. Anyone know?

It’s Monks, but darker.


So a green shade? What horrible idea. Rip monks

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Monk color but better. And yeah there were huge threads on it when it was announced, personally I’m fine with it.

Ooh, dark jade green, I like!

Did we really run out of colors already? A third green?

This was like going leather again and again when clearly we needed a mail class.

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Seems kind of ridiculous. Triple up on one color while others only have one iteration.

It’s like a forest green

Looks like the monk and hunter colors mixed together

White, apparently. :wink:

Likely a bug given the forum doesn’t exist for them yet and I can’t even change chars to mine

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I had to log out and back in for my evoker to be an option, then I clicked it, it didn’t switch, logged out, back in, and it was selected.

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I got that’s what your going for buts let be honest some people on the forums would’ve believed you so I mentioned it anyways

Thanks that did it