What's the best unit frames addon right now?

I know it’s been discussed a bit but what unit frames addon are you guys using? I’ve used ElvUI for years and decided to start clean. I used x-perl back in the day and heard z-perl isn’t being supported anymore.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Why do I feel I should know what unit frames are (I am pretty dumb IRL). Are you meaning NamePlates? Like Plater? I use Plater and it is by far the best IMHO

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Shadowed Unit Frames is what I use. Love the options.


Haha nah not dumb. Yes, like the name plates for your character/target.

Thanks, I’ll look into it.

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Nameplates are the name and health bar above characters in game.

Unit frames are the coloured health bar/resource bar on your screen for yourself, your target, your party/raid, the boss, etc.


I second SuF. Takes a bit to set up just how you like it, but they’re reliably updated and look really good.


Ahh gotcha… thank you.

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I literally just use the current base-game UI now, but being unable to move the enemy cast bar is ticking me off. I’m hoping Blizzard will allow that to be movable.

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I’ve used Shadowed forever but for the first time I’ve thought about ditching it for the stock UI since Unit Frames are pretty meh for me at this point and the stock is fine. Shadow has been updated though and works.

I use Plater for most of my enemy info now and even to track my own short Buffs using the Personal Bar.

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I do think the new default UI is miles better than what it was but for me personally it’s still not to my liking. I’ve used addons to change my UI since I started playing back in '07.


I use Shadowed UF and Bartender at the moment. I was hoping Blizzard stock would allow for bars and UF to show on mouseover and combat only but it seems I need to pick one or the other. Also, hoping they allow UI Scale to get smaller at some point, things like the quest tracker are too large for my liking.

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Yeah hard habit to break. My standards are pretty simple though, just let me move things, but the new UI lets me do more than just that. I no longer need ElvUI personally and it keeps clean just that much more of my addon madness.

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I’ve got that going right now and it looks and feels good so far. I’m liking it and liking the options for both.

Oh no doubt. I did give the standard UI a chance. I leveled my shaman from 50-60 and I mean it felt fine and nothing wrong with it but I just felt…off lol.

I’ve been happy with SUF since, like, Wrath. :dracthyr_heart:

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ElvUI is still probably best of breed.

I used ElvUI from around 2017 until I quit earlier this year. It’s good for sure but it’s got WAY more bells and whistles than I care for.

It’s also modular. You can shut off almost all of the modules one at a time.

Heck, I’ve got a friend who’s using it for just the bars.

By far the best.

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Both Bartender and SUF are still broken on my end. Good thing the new UI is solid.

I’m a massive ElvUI simp.

I have an idea that you’re not going to like… but it may help.

Delete the Interface, WTF and Cache folders, then start over fresh. That’s the only way the base UI and and my addons would work.

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