What's the best race for Horde Warlock in WOTLK for pve and pvp?

Orc or Undead?

The delta between orc and undead in PVP or PVE will not make you a 100 parser vs a 99 parser or a 2700 vs 2600 pvper. Play what appeals to you.


Here’s a pretty good video regarding all Horde class/race combos. But really, as said above, just play what you like more.
htt ps:/ /ww w.youtu be. com/watch?v=5HjpsBbrr3I (just remove spaces)

Orc for PVE really is best because the racial is better between the two.

But… my persona bias dictates that I must play UD because UD has the best animations ever

At that level, it absolutely will make the difference. Granted there will be bigger factors in there as well, lock how good at snapshotting you are… But pretending like getting both free character and pet damage just for being Orc isn’t substantial is just dishonest.

Orc. Wrath removes the heal debuff from blood fury. Will of the forsaken on the other hand will now share a 45s CD with medallions.

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Roll a Belf so you can swish your hair and :roll_eyes: at those gauche Orcs and gaudy Undead

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Gnome, and RP as a Jig-galo, or you’re nothing. (Have to use the - because wait… What!?)

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