Whats the best Classic RP server in your opinion?

I’m looking for a classic RP realm to call home.

In Classic Era (1-60/vanilla) I can only recommend Grobbulus which is RP-PVP.
The RP-PVE server of Bloodsail Buccaneers is where hardcore gamers decided to play and the hostile behavior towards roleplayers (like myself) make the server currently inhospitable.

Both of these servers have a presence in Wrath Classic as well so it just depends on if you want PVP with your roleplay.


There isnt any RP worth ivnesting your time in classic era, you might encounter some in the wotlk classic grobbulus which will be about pvp, but thats about it no big(and good) rp going on at all in any classic server.

If you don’t mind the PvP server ruleset, Grobbulus is where it’s at. Keep in mind, you cannot transfer from PvE to PvP.

I’m looking to help build upon BB and make it like it once was. There’s another RP guild, I ran into that is NOT HC but still quite small in size.

It’s gonna take some time to rebuild BB, but we can do it!

For completion’s sake, Deviate Delight is another RP-PvP realm in the Eastern timezone of North America. You’ll only see it in Classic Era though, not wrath.



Vanilla Classic RP Servers
(RP-PvP) Grobbulus
(RP-PvP) Deviate Delight
(RP) Bloodsail Buccaneers

Wrath Classic RP Servers
(RP-PvP) Grobbulus
(RP) Bloodsail Buccaneers

Even if I wanted to move from BB to another RP server, I can’t 'cause BB is a PvE server, and both Grobb and DD are PvP, and you can’t move from PvE to PvP :laughing:

There’s only one normal RP server, and it’s BB. So, I think I’ll continue to hang around :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

DD rp revival when

Yes let us know, so i can set a reminder.

Maybe once the official HC servers come out, the HC addon crowd will stop hanging out on BB.

Oh! DD - that’s a good question! :woman_shrugging:

Only Grob .

BB or Grobbulus? I’m all for rebuilding but… the population just isnt there.

I’m not on Grobbulus, personally. Last I checked (at the time I made this post via a year ago) it was doing OK, but IDK if they’re there, anymore.

I’m still on BB (off & on) and not trying to build anything, anymore. HOWEVER, last I checked (and this is like today/yesterday) there’s one guild lingering around, and they did UBRS, yesterday and are always recruiting to anyone interested. They said it’s them and one RP guild, and I think it’s the same RP guild I mentioned, a year ago.

Even if I don’t build upon BB, I’m never leaving that server. Regardless of how “popular” or “dead” it is. I love how it’s one of the few non-connected realmed Classic Era servers left, to give that original Classic feel to it.

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Grob is def. working on it, give us a shot :stuck_out_tongue:


Where is the RP hub in BB? I’ve a few lowbies there.

What is the Horde/Alliance makeup?

Nowhere, really. But if you join the RP guild on there, they might host some RP events, I’m just not sure 'cause I didn’t really converse with them about anything/about it. And, I’m not allowed to call out guilds on the forums.

This is why I wished Blizz went all the way with the new Guild Window. Include the Guild Finder feature + the guild applicants feature. To cut out us “middle-men”, but I digress.

If you see the two main guilds, you can ask which one is which, when you see the members there. I’m not in game, ATM, and I have a prior engagement soon and can’t really be distracted being in games, ATM.

I appreciate it, thank you.

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Grobbulus has one alliance guild (who has cleared Naxx and continuing to focus raids on it) and one horde guild (who’s working on BWL progression). Theres more info here. We are a micro population server but we enjoy it that way. Both sides are very active in the context of guild versus guild server.

Given your reply above about rebuilding though, check out Deviate Delight (RP PvP). They started a “fresh” reroll campaign in March and have something like a few thousand players and numerous guilds. Their goal was to repopulate a dead server, where as on Grobb we actively aren’t looking for that and just want to maintain our small town micro vibe.

Nothing wrong with either one, just articulating differences so you can make an informed pick.


RP is non-existent in classic. Retail is where you want to be for RP.