What's the best Alliance RP server?

Thought I’d try my hand at RP and see how it goes. What’s the best RP server for the Alliance?

While Wyrmrest Accord is more Horde dominated I have heard it has a active and sizable Alliance RP community. Emerald Dream was another one. And there’s always Moonguard, of course. Just avoid Goldshire at all costs.

So, are you planning on RPing as someone perpetually upset about Horde bias and Alliance woes in warmode? That could be kinda neat.


Nah, I just want a better chance with active players on the Alliance.

I’m an author, so I’m going to come up with someone really interesting. :wink:




Well I wish you all the best. Good luck finding a server that works for you!

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Just created Bownty, the hunter.

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Moonguard. Definitely Moonguard.


Moon Guard. Because then you can get the best role playing experience at Goldshire I…

Actually, on the topic about Goldshire Inn, has anyone else noticed how it started to have a little less people there too?


Its because they all got caught with their addons that make the game more “fun looking” lol.
even if the bans were un-done its still embarrassing that blizz caught them in the act lol


It isn’t though there fault Blizzard makes there models unfun and ugly looking.

What’s the deal about Goldshire on Moon Guard? It sounds like an inside joke that I have no clue about.

Believe me, you don’t want to know…

Emerald Dream has some drama issues but it is pretty balanced server. The RP though is more guild related. Don’t see as much out in world because it used to be an RPPvP server so RP would be attacked. Nothing goes on in Goldshire though on ED.

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Lmao what, I need you to fill me in on this story

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is it such an unusual thing that druids erp and talk dirty there? I mean this is pretty typical neck beard dorito behavior. Why is it so shocking?

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Not sure where the whole idea of WrA being Horde dominated comes from. it has a huge Alliance population and I always find RP there. MG seems okay as well, never played there though. ED is pretty much dead at this point.

People role play there. And a lot of them. After all, Moon Guard is a RP Server.

I kill tons of alliance on emerald dream. They seem to have a healthy alliance pop

WA and moon guard

ED was a pvp-rp server so there’s always been a lack of rp

Its where the pervy RP is sought out, but its also the most zany place to just hang out. Something interesting is always going on there.

Be sure to have your TRP3 Addon ready so you can see the full spectrum of profiles people have.

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