Whats the Approximate time to level 10-60 doing WoD chromie time and dungeon queues?

Just resubscribed and bought TWW. Already got my main to 70 but my friend who also is starting playing again with me wants to make a brand new character so i figured id level a new alt with them

My question is simply about how long can i expect it to take us to get to 60 just doing chromie time and dungeons in Warlirds? Not any kind of max speed leveling to hit the 4-5 hours you can get if you really try to turbo it, just doing the quests and bonus objectives as they pop up, always in a dungeon queue, the normal method even if its slower than the fastest possible way.

Knowing this wont really impact anything I do or anything, i just kinda want to know before i get into it. Was hoping we could get there in a week or so of gaming sessions, a few hours a day.