I would love to hear you guy’s gold farming spots
Throne of Kil’jaeden in Hellfire. The fire elementals there have the best drop chance for Mote of Fire and Primal Fire is by far one of the most valuable crafting materials in the game.
Throne of KJ is so over farmed right now on earthfury with horde and alliance that our primal fire is now at 22g. Last week they were going for 34g.
Elemental plateau in nagrand can be good. Has fire air and earth. But a bunch of people have been popping up.
Air elementals in shadow moon valley in the south east corner is a good one too.
You do understand that once you post GOOD gold farming spot, is becomes BAD gold farming spot right?
Now why would I share that with everyone?
I’m sure you WOULD love to hear them.
The auction house in every major city.
It’s also where you’ll find the best PvP in game.
I like farming Battered Chests in Elwynn. Always get stuff from them.
Yes this is 100% accurate. That place is a madhouse. It’s interesting how the alliance take it over sometimes and do that FFA loot but kill all horde thing.
I’m not sharing my spots.
This is the only place where it got chain ganked on my alliance at level 68 just for doing that ele air quest lol. I find it’s pretty saturated as well but decent.
Hit 70 after grinding/dung spamming and do quests No need to farm if you have three entire zones of quests
Rocks all around.
Stormwind. I just flip mats into items for few hours and I was 500-1000G richer.
just google it, there are plenty of places to get gold… None of them are in game
There are level 58s in steamvaults, you should ask them.
Seriously. People get super touchy. I’ve had people whisper me and give me an earful if I undercut items by more than a copper.
“Good going moron!”
“Nice one… now you’ve screwed up the entire economy”
“It’s going to take a week for the prices to regulate back to normal”
Like… whoah. It’s just a few potions, bags, whatever, that will sell in about 5 minutes, then yours will be back at the top. Chill out dude
But to answer the question, any good farming spot is anything not being heavily farmed right now. Find mobs and grind them for meats, leathers, etc. Even the vendor junk sells for decent gold (TBC mobs). Fishing in Azshara is landing me some serious gold. I spent about an hour leveling my fishing in Azshara yesterday and made 133g by selling pearls, clam meats, lobsters and eels (on the AH, they sell very well), and quickly.
The secret is to find niche markets, markets not already being dominated. It might take a little longer to make money, but you can make more in the long run since there’s less competition.
Also, you don’t always have to use the AH. Let’s say you run SM a few times- then you can open up trade chat and offer to sell all the disenchantable items for whatever price you decide is appropriate.
If you’re a mage- offer your mage services. People are always always looking for ports and food.
Level cooking and offer to cook peoples’ meats. Some TBC meats offer decent buffs such basilisk meat, Zangarian sporefish, golden darters, etc. Or farm yourself and sell on the AH.
There’s seriously so many ways to farm gold that aren’t dungeon spamming, mining or herbalism. But you’ve got to get to know your server’s economy, too. For example, don’t use my suggestion of fishing if there’s no market for the stuff you catch. Find something that there’s a market for, but is not being dominated by anybody else.
I have been advised by my lawyer I can not say.
Lawyer say I will be deleted if I tell.
I was told I can say game. I don’t have a clue why.
Eels in zangarmarsh are good and ez water motes
Quests. After doing all the quests (I even did mostly quests to level) I was left with thousands of gold to spend, and that way I didn’t have to stand in one spot killing hyperspawn fire elementals for 10 hours.
Fishing, cooking, skinning, leather working, selling recipes that vendors sold… buying materials and cooking them into food for profit… buying materials and crafting items for profit… dungeons. Heroics.
I think maybe I sat and farmed for an hour tops. There are so many other ways to make gold that require less effort and are more engaging, which, to me, is more fun and rewarding… and still generates enough gold to buy everything you’d ever need. I only have one toon, but at this point I spend my money to help friends. I give rep turn ins to whoever I’m running the dungeons with… etc
Now that I have epic flying though, I’m swapping to herbalism from skinning because i do enjoy zooming around and snagging my own herbs so I don’t have to buy consumables
If people told you they wouldn’t be good anymore.
/who c-“rogue” z-“mana-tombs”
/who c-“rogue” z-“steamvaults”