I’m still leveling for one but I dont get it. I feel like its a weak version of lock or mage, or balance druid. I feel like I could honestly do everything ele sham does as one of those with minimal effort. I was in a bg earlier and I thought I was doing decent damage and some ret jumped in randomly saying my damage was useless. Problem is I really want to enjoy this class and it has some good tmogs but outside of earth shock feels like my damage hits like a wet noodle and its like I get off flame shock > lava burst and the mobs basically in my face I can frost shock or throw a totem but it only gets maybe one more attack out, and I know as other casters I can kill a mob before it gets to me, or if it does I have some sort of bubble.
As far as leveling is concerned don’t be too discouraged by the lack of dps you’re feeling. Due to the way things scale and depending on your level, changing to restoration spec will most likely generate higher burst potential. As far as max levelis concerned elemental feels good with certain azerite traits. I personally might not top the meters in single target damage but i feel our sustained damage is pretty nice atm. (personal opinion /play style). But yeah don’t be discouraged about not being the best while leveling once you get to 120, get some of the azerite traits that are performing quite well you’ll see a huge jump in your performance. Also damage aside shamans bring nice utility to dungeons with capacitor totem(aoe stun) , tremor totem, purge, heroism / bloodlust.
I’m 95 now and the spell animations well the variety is the spice. I’m doing better in pvp and in 1v1 I can lasso and frost shock and do decent.
Warrior is very hard to kite. I trolled one around a pole for 4 mins earlier.
I feel like sham can bring more utility than my other choice of balance druid. I just hate the low st in pvp. I guess if I went IF my damage would really increase in pvp?
How do you guys keep mobs off ? Is it diff at 120 or do you still face tank 3-4 casts?
I agree with you, I find ele to be quite boring and would almost rather play as any other non dot based caster over it. That said, the Master of the Elements talent turns the spec into into something much more enjoyable imo. Rather than just aimlessly casting meatballs asap, you now have a strategy in trying to line up Lava Burst buffs with Icefury buffs and Stormfury buffs for some really big damage.
I have never played anything other than a RShaman, but that right there is a special enough reason to play the class. I’m thinking about dusting off the two I was working on most recently, and getting back into the thick of it. Playing a RShaman for a while and then going to a different healing class is always a bit of a system shock, for me. Maybe this is a minority opinion, but Shaman have some of the best healing, in the game.
I’m still indecisive but I will talent into ice fury.
Due to scaling and my current gear, at 120 I’m 2 hitting most normal level mobs out in the world, but i can definitely just round up a large pack and aoe them down in a earthquake or two (chain lightning for maelstrom generating). As for pvp i haven’t done much as elemental always preferred healing for which ever reason in pvp. In pve I’m loving the rotation that icefurry brings and mobility it provides. You end up playing a bit of priority wack a mole but i find it far more enjoyable when things start firing on all cylinders.
What’s the st and aoe rotation you use?
You’re also going to want Echo of the Elements if not already using it.
Aoe drop my 4 totems (the talent) Stormkeeper, chain lightning, earthquake (in dungeons /raid i believe its worth it if you have master of the elements talent selected to cast a flame shock lava burst combo before earthquake, then repeat) if the mobs feel like they’re going to hurt you alot, capacitor totem and our one defensive / earth elemental are very handy)
Single target gets a little crazy since procs determine alot for my rotation based on my talents selected but my opener on something that will live more than a couple spells looks like this :
Totems > Stormkeeper > lava burst > flame shock > lightning bolt > lava burst > lightning bolt >
If able to earth shock and lava burst
Lava burst > earth shock > ice furry or flame shock depending on durations, then it depends on procs and maelstrom but if able without capping you want to lava burst before earth shocks, if you have < the maelstrom req for earth shock and 1+ lava burst ready feel free to cast it before frost shock
Otherwise if you aren’t initially at enough to cast that first lava burst earth shock combo cast ice fury usually by then lava burst is off cd and you can pretty much follow the above.
Just a little foot note this only works with the talents i have selected and relies heavily on having igneous potential x3 for azerite traits
Iirc there’s a website stormearthandlava that you can see the suggested casting priorities based on your talent setup for a more detailed explanation if you are looking for clearer information. I’m far from a top performing shaman but I’m happy with how I do.
But yeah there’s a difference in damage from 1~119 and 120.
nothing if you play shaman play ele or go home.
I find randoms really fun and WPVP as well personally
Shamans are for Chris metzen superfans and everytime you play one you become a little more attracted to thrall
judging a character before 110 is silly tbh. That said I do find elemental to be one of the most boring casters even at max level. Much rather be a fire mage
The ER/SE/PE build can be very boring. It relies on a passive (ER), and doing a ton of damage via lightning bolt spam during the Storm Ele cd.
With IPx3 in traits I’d look at using the Echo/MotE/IF build.