Whats Quality of Life ability would you like in Shadowlands?

Concur, though I’ve gotten used to “disengage”.

As a Boomy main, Boomy being the default form, not “caster” form.

If I’m prowling up on a mob & I cast a spell I want to change to Boomy form, in the same way if I’m in Boomy form & I cast Prowl/Dash I change to Cat form.



Druid forms need to be separate. People who care about cosmetics should not be locked to one specific weapon and one specific set of armor that matches it.

Easy way would be allowing us to buy glyphs in the Dreamforce to apply to the form to make it match the artifact appearances. Aka Glyph of The Tawny Owlcat, Glyph of the Midnight Owlcat.

Easy solution.


God I miss that ability. So quirky and fun.