What's good Race + Class combo?

Mag’har are the best monk race. Look at my boots. You dont wanna be roundhouse kicked by these bad boys.

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Lightforged draenei disc priest. Anyone who’s played this knows what I’m talking about. :wink:

Draenei paladin. Man I love that healing racial. Nice little instant cast HoT.

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My only problem with a Lightforged disc priest is theres not really any way to fully disconnect from using shadow abilities, which a Lighforged wouldnt do.

You can glyph your shadowfiend into a lightspawn and take Purge the Wicked to get rid of SW:P, but you’ll still be stuck using shadow mend.

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Nelf druid and DH

LFD pally

IDK from there

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gnome anything

I choose human male paladin because they also have the powers of necromancy.

I have decided to take my long posts and simplify them, sorry for posting so much. These should be a good combination for Race & Class to which I have based them off of the Ulduar Raid Set Armor and then began the process of elimination. This is my list:


Worgen - Rogue
Pandaren - Monk
Dwarf > Dark Iron Dwarf - Warrior
Night Elf > Kul Tiran - Druid
Gnome > Void Elf - Mage
Draenei > Lightforged Draenei - Paladin

*Human is not listed since I have classified Worgen as a human, you can make a Human Rogue if you prefer to do so.


Blood Elf - Demon Hunter
Goblin - Priest
Orc > Mag’har Orc - Death Knight
Undead > Nightborne - Warlock
Tauren > Highmountain Tauren - Shaman
Troll > Zandalari Troll - Hunter

*Mag’har Orc and all other allied races will be able to be Death Knights in the next expansion which will be very nice for the Mag’har Orc’s racials.

I have also quickly glanced through the racials of the core and allied races and they all seem to be pretty good for the class I have chosen for them so hopefully, this has helped some people decide what they would like to be and if you choose to make all classes it has taken me years to of trial and error and I am 100% confident that this is the best way to do it.

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This was really helpful for me thanks I am just now getting back in the game haven’t played since cat :woman_facepalming:

Gnomes rule

I’m a sole Alliance player, so here’s my personal combos:
Human + Mage
Dwarf + Warrior
Gnome + Rogue
Night Elf + Demon Hunter
Worgen + Death Knight
Draenei + Shaman
Lightforged Draenei + Paladin
Void Elf + Priest
Dark Iron Dwarf + Warlock
Pandaren + Monk
Mechagnome + Hunter
Kul Tiran + Druid

Making use of all 12 races and classes.

Undead Rogue.

Human Priest
Dwarf Hunter
Gnome Mage
Night Elf Demon Hunter
Worgen Death Knight
Draenei Paladin
Void Elf Warlock
Dark Iron Warrior
Panda Monk

Says the tauren!

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